Reefforbrains Here Is That Cup Coral Pic U Wanted


i have it placed in the middle of the tank with medium flow under 500w of mh's
it opened up with in 24 hrs.


Originally Posted by nu2salt
i have it placed in the middle of the tank with medium flow under 500w of mh's
it opened up with in 24 hrs.
could you post a pic of it when it opens?
I have a green one. and I have it up on top very close to MH at low flow and mine's doing great. growing fast.


Active Member
Beautiful. I bet it will open more too. The tenticles arent out yet.
Thank you for the special attention.
Always comes at ya fast when your ID is in the title. Just takes me offgaurd. lol
I love that peice. I see hundreds of corals and hundreds of tanks. Some peices just have great shape, color, and health that make you instantly put them in your favorites and they stand away from the pack. Nice score.... Please dont frag it. Let him grow into a showpiece.