ReefNut and or NM Reef can you help me


I have been fighting this stuff since june. I pick it, i scrub, i bought two mex turbos, and a sea hare. they only eat it if i pick the longer stuff off. I was reading your old post, and wondered of the lettuce nudi worked, or how you got rid of this stuff.
I have been running phosguard 24/7, and now this stuff is in my hob fuge. its a real pain.

nm reef

Active Member
It can definitely be a real pain....what worked for me was manual removal...maintaining water conditions...limiting nutrients....and diligence. lettuce nudis can be effective but they don't cure the problem by themselves.Phosban helped in my situation along with a rather large fuge to compete for nutrients. Just stay on top of it and don't give up hope. I bet I manually removed buckets of the stuff...and now that its gone I hope it never returns!


Thanks, I just did all my tests,
amm 0
rites 0
rates 0
ph a little low 7.8
cal, 400
I have been thinking about a 10 gal under my 55, but dontknow how i would get it into tank. may also look into rubbermaid tub. This tank will only be up another 8 mo or so.


When i had some on a rock i used a small pach of pond liner that i had just coved it for 4 to 6 weeks no light kills it !