ReefRiyon 75 Gallon Reef Build Diary


ReefRiyon PLEASE DONT TAKE THIS TO HEART , Your not listing to everyones post we have been trying to help as much as pos..GO SLOW thats key in saltwater tanks again your adding to much to soon you dont need 50 snails 50 hermits.
10 snails at the most right now add more slow 5 like every 2-3 weeks
if you add too much at once your tank may crash again
The gramma dident kill the fish you added too many at once and the tank wasent fully cycled. Dont add any more to the tank ,sump,anything,no chemicl nothing just leave it sit take 10gals out every week when making up new saltwater are you leaving it sit ?? I make my water up and leave it set over night with a pump running in it
We will help you as much as we can ,hey i even gave you my cell and said i'll help as much as i can (570)579-6975 thats it again if you dident get it
I dont know everything about this but if i can help i'll do my best


when i did my first big 20 gallon water change i used distilled water...i top of with tap water and use ph buffer with that. ummm i ordered a skimmer last week a reef octopus 150. i havent had the money yet to buy a ro unit which i will when i can believe me...ummm im not trying to rush things at all i see algae reef cleaner packs online so i figure why not get 50 50 because i got them for 40 bucks. everyone said get tank cleaners which ive been trying to get to stay alive. i have no idea why my fish die i think im losing my last clarkii right has a white spot on it just curious as to what ich looks like. i know its white but what does it look like? i did my fuge today...heres the fish and fuge.

yea i tried drilling the 5.5 glass i had but it cracked and i didnt want to chance it again so i bought a critter cage plastic container which is actually bigger and taller and plastic so it was a pretty good idea and made it out of that instead. i got mud on the bottom and then live sand and yea so finally done with that...just got to wait for my skimmer to come and fish to survive! and btw the clarkii is dead now. im sorry if it looks like im rushig but im not its been almost 2 months now and i cant get a single fish to survive. im frustrated so much i have nothing else better to do then post whats in my head and look for some help or someone to talk to about this. i dont want to rush things i want it to be good because i want to have a nice reef tank like a lot of people here have and thats why i started so thanks


also, how would i know if theres parasites or something in my tank? is there something i can put in my tank to kill it orrr yea im just throwing any possibilities i dont know


While a diary is fine for showing your tank's progress, if I were you, I would be posting questions to the New Hobbyist forum instead of just here.
Good Luck!


I would wait at least another month before I put anything else in the tank. I would check my water every other day until my water was good. I would go to my Lfs and get some ro water to do water changes. Then after everything is good I would only add one cheap fish and see how that do for a month. Then if that fish servive I would add another more expesive fish that I wanted like a clown and so on and so on. Thats what I would do, its all about taking your time, you already lost alot of money and I know that you don't want to lose anymore, so take your time, jmo. I hope this help


Ich grows on a fish --> it falls off and attaches to gravel or tank glass --> it reproduces to MANY parasites --> these swarmers then attach to other fish. If the swarmers do not find a fish host, they die in about 3 days (depending on the water temperature). If everything living is out of your tank set the temp of the tank to 90 yes 90f and add a little copper,and monitor it with a copper test kit. Also, Mardel's Maroxy works well.
After about 1 week of treating try putting Black mollies in your tank there freshwater fish but will live in saltwater .There found everywhere for under $1.00
You will need them to get used to the saltwater so add the saltwater slowly should be done in about a hours time ... Better then buying damsel's for like $5.00 ea. The mollies are reef safe and not aggressive like damsel will become.
Here is a good site for EVERYONE tells you alot about Diseases,Algae, Diagnosis, Causes, Prevention,and all kind of stuff i think everyone should look


last fish died tonighttt....dunno why it looked like it was doing soo good too...i had a small blue tang it was eating the algae everywhere it was happy and found it curled up dead on the sand tonight when i got home. it had a really bad white spot on its side...not the milky white like the clowns had but worse.


Originally Posted by ReefRiyon
last fish died tonighttt....dunno why it looked like it was doing soo good too...i had a small blue tang it was eating the algae everywhere it was happy and found it curled up dead on the sand tonight when i got home. it had a really bad white spot on its side...not the milky white like the clowns had but worse.



now that u have no fish try not to add anything else for a while.
what is ur water source?
what brand of test kit are u using?
what are ur readings for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, PH, alk, salinity, calcium?
are u sure u did not use some kind of toxic material when u did ur plumbing?
i think now is a good time for u to let the tank sit for a while and dont mess with it...good luck


ok so im going to raise the temp to 90 and let it cook....that will kill away fungus or parasites right? maybe a possibility of the clown from ***** had something bad and killed everything that wasnt used to it? dunno skimmer is on its way...temp is set to 90 and should i keep my lights on as usual?


Active Member
well it may i'm sure an expert can answer. i know if you keep it below like 75 degrees most parasites can't grow...


Dont Put Temp To 90 It Will Do Nothing Good For You. You Need To Just Do 10 Gal Water Changes For A Month. Do Not Add Anything To Tank Fish/snails/shrimp Notthinggggg. Your Going To Have The Same Thing Happen Every Time. It Will Die. Put Temp At 78 10 Gals Every Week Until Everthing Is Stable. Jmo.'


Originally Posted by wifishman1
Dont Put Temp To 90 It Will Do Nothing Good For You. You Need To Just Do 10 Gal Water Changes For A Month. Do Not Add Anything To Tank Fish/snails/shrimp Notthinggggg. Your Going To Have The Same Thing Happen Every Time. It Will Die. Put Temp At 78 10 Gals Every Week Until Everthing Is Stable. Jmo.'


say i hav would i treat this? formalin in the tank? or treat the fish if they get sick? im trying to treat it say i have it in my tank but i cant find an answer....i dropped my temp back down to 78 and nothings in it but a few hermits...skimmer is coming monday and im waiting on fish because you guys said so. sooo what if i have doesnt look like the stuff my fish had though. i had a milky spot on the clowns on one of the sides and then the blue tang had that big white spot....brooknella looks like more spread out than what my fish had. so what is in my tank? should i add chemicals or something?


ok i have a lot of bubbles on my rocks..if you lok at my pictures and see the cyno...theres bubbles like that on my rocks everywhere that i can just blow off...its not those hard bubbles like ive read about so what is it and how do i get rid of them? i blow them off and they just keep coming back...ughhh i did that red slime remover powder and did a water change after but it hasnt worked....i dont know what to do. when i do my water changes i suck up the most cyno i can with my syphon but it all comes back in about 2 days
Man takes ci11337's advice and just let your tank sit. Don't add any chemicals, or any crap that the people at the LFS try to tell you to buy. Just leave it alone for at least another month. The cyano can be caused by a few different things and from what I've read so far it's hard to tell what caused it. Be patient, let it sit for at least a month, then get back to it.



got 3 new hydors...2,3, and 4. tell me what you think on theyre placement.
no fish in tank since i said so, just finished battling cyano. lights have been off for weeks killing it. few crabs got a 15 watt uv new 150 reef octopus if i havent already posted it and a new quarantine tank.