Reff Tank with a trigger


New Member
I am in the process of trying to improve the condition of a salt water tank which holds a trigger and 3 angels. I have used plastic plants as trigger eats the live ones. I am conserned about the algea build up in the tank. I have attached a picture of the tank, taken the next day after a full cleaning. I am concerned about the algea seen on the sand (the color on the back is a backdrop picture) and along the front of the tank near the sand. Is this usual for this type of tank? Any suggestions on how what I should be doing to make it look better longer? Thanks.


Active Member
Well, no picture, but we'll need more info anyway -
What are your specific water parameters, especially ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, specific gravity, pH and alkalinity?
What sort of filtration do you have?
What does a "full cleaning" mean?
How often do you do water changes, and how much do you change? Do you use tap water?
How much and how often do you feed?
How long do you leave your lights on, and how old are the bulbs?
All of these are starting questions so that we can address algae issues.


New Member
Thanks for responding. Answers to your questions:
Nitrite-0, Nitrate-40, amonia -0, specific gravity-0.
Filtration: approx 2080 gal, planted sump
Full cleaning means a 25% water change with removal of excess algea on rocks and cleaning of inside of tank walls.
Looking to going to 25% water change twice a month
Feeding: on automatic feeder, twice in a 24 hour period. Takes the 4 fish about 1 1/2 minutes to eat the food.
Lights: on 12 hrs off 12
I am sorry the picture did attach. Am new to this, hopefully I will get the hang of it.