Refigum with seperate wet/dry HELP!!!!!!!


I am trying to figure out how to plumb a refigum to a wet dry or directly to a tank. I will have a seperate refigum it is not a HOB and not a in sump.
today I set up an over flow with a wet dry filter, it is a very small filter cause its for a small 55 gallon display tank. heres what is hooked up
Eshoppes overflow with a single 1" dealio
760 GPH return pump
Maybe a 10 Gallon Sump (wet/dry) IT MIGHT BE A SMALLER BUT I THINK
1 200 GPH powerhead
1 800 GPH power head
also do yall think i have too much flow??
I cant figure out how a refigum should hook up??? if yall have a diagram that'll help too!!! thanks!


Here is what I did...
I have a 30g rubbermaid container as my sump with my skimmer standing in it and lots of LR in it... I added a 15g refuge pumped out of the sump and into the bulkhead of the refuge. The refuge had another bulkhead for discharge which is connected back to another bulkhead on the sump... using plastic rubbermaid containers made cutting and adding bulkheads really easy.


Originally Posted by phenetix
Here is what I did...
I have a 30g rubbermaid container as my sump with my skimmer standing in it and lots of LR in it... I added a 15g refuge pumped out of the sump and into the bulkhead of the refuge. The refuge had another bulkhead for discharge which is connected back to another bulkhead on the sump... using plastic rubbermaid containers made cutting and adding bulkheads really easy.
Ok sorry for my ignorance, so the sump sits next to the refigum the water is pumped out of the DT and into the sump and from there into the refigum, from the refigum back into the DT. is all of this correct??? Thanks for responding.

see money

im also really lost on the sump filter thing..
i am very interested in them but have yet to see a diagram or video to fully explain them.. ive seen loads of videos on how to silcone thx............i have no idea how the chambers work...and how it is floodproof is something were to happen to my sump..i can not have my dt draining into a refugium if my sump could possibly go out and flood my basement bedroom, this is not a option.
I would preferably like to have a sump refugium that has a skimmer & heater. i also want to culture algae and copepods/rotifers?
im so lost when it comes to this part of marine aquariums


I think your plan is good. I wish you success. I decided not to do it cause I cant figure it out really and it doesnt seem to be that benificial. well I guess we'll see


do you think this will work??? I want to add a refigum just tohelp make copapods and just cause yall say its great. below is a diagram will it work??


New Member
I am working on an interesting fix for just this type of problem but a buddy of mine gave me a fluval 405 canister that I am not using going to try and see if I can use it with some LR rubble in it to bridge between the sump and the fuge. so the setup will be my overflow to the wet/dry -> fluval -> fuge -> and back to the DT (return pump). I am going to see if it will balance in flow or if one will over power the other I will post how my test go I think the issue will be the pump overpowering the canister and consistantly draining the fuge below operating levels. any thoughts and suggestions welcomed.