Reflective paint


I want to paint the underside of my canopy to reflect more light into the tank, does anyone have any paint recommendations? I have a Black all glass canopy which has openings in the top, I want to seal those off, it seems to let to much light escape. Just to let you know I have 4 110w vho's with internal reflectors so their is no pan reflector above them.. If any of you have painted the inside of your canopy let me know how it works...Thanks


I would suggest titanium white paint(best) or another flat white paint - it supposedly is able to reflect 75-85% of light - I would not recommend a gloss paint, while it may appear "brighter" gloss paint only reflects approximately 55-60% of light.
You could also use Elastomere paint, it is a rubberized roofing paint, but offers reflection in the 90% range. It can be used on metal and wood as well.


Where can you find Titanium white paint? Is it something you can but at home depot? As far as the slates in my canopy, I dont think they are heat vents because it is open in the back I think it is just part of the design. Does anyone here have a new black pine canopy made by all-glass?...Thanks


I don't know if home depot sells it - I go to the local paint store for this paint - might want to try there first.
I know Home Depot sells the Elastomere paint.
If you can't find titanium white any flat white will do, but you want it to be a cool white, rather then a warm.(No eggshell white or color like that)