Reflector DIY


I wonder what I need to find kind of sheet to desgin for reflector for lighting, I desgin the canopy. I want the mesaurement of 30 by 15 to fit 1 150 watt HQI and two VHO. I haven't find any the size what I want. there are any metal or aluminum or polish mirror that can working? as in Lowes or home depot?
mostly selling 24 inches and 10 inches width in any LFS or online.


You could try and get wholesale mylar film used for all sorts of reflectors and mirrors. And use it over a shaped base structure of the desire dimentions. Or by a few smaller reflectors offline/LFS to modify to fit each bulb seperately, if your hood has adequate space under it. On the questions you mentioned not a clue someone else here might. Hope that helps.


Buy one of the el cheapo flourescent shop lights with polished / chromed reflectors. In this area they sell for about $12.00. MIrrows will not work as well as one would think due to depth of glass or acrylic material until it hits reflective material, it is said to loose a lot of the reflected light intensity.........
They also sell reflectors that fit abaove lights in the suspended ceilings where you typically find egg crate diffuser material. MOst any commercial lighting supply house will carry them. They are in the 2 x 2 or 2 x 4 foot range.


rmahnick, did you find a reflector that worked? Im also lookin for an inexpensive reflector for some MH i just got. :jumping:


Slofish, one is found reflector from innovation, lighting, DIY polished aluminium 24 by 24 cost 17 dollars. I can't find the internet, I will post you when I find, I haven't ordered yet, because I have minor problem that I can't find a good decent price for ballast for MH, I am not sure will go for SE or DE... my mind still uncertain to pick which one,
just let you know that one cost 17 dollars, I find one in lowes cost me 45 dollars for 24 by 24, its not polished its matted aluminum,


I found the link, its was in my folder, my wife put it in other side. here the link DIY REFLECTOR DIY REFLECTOR STORE
Hope that you find the one you like and fit it for your, it easy and bend the angle than other reflector.