Refractometer issues


New Member
I recently purchased a Reflactometer and and can't seem to get it
calibtated to zero using ROI or tap water as per the intstructions.
It's an RHS-10 wondering if something is wrong with it or if I'm doing something wrong.
I also have 2 Hydrometer's one is 10yrs old the other I just bought they both come up with different readings so i'm really frustrated.
Any advice would be apreciated....thanks


Active Member
Can you be more specific on what issues you are having? Refractometers are pretty straight forward and usually don't need much adjustment ever. It should come precalibrated also, so if it is off it shouldn't be by very much and if it is there may be an issue with the refactometer.

bang guy

Calibrating to zero isn't very accurate. It's OK for our hobby but don't expect ot to be perfectly accurate.
If you really want some accuracy find some 35ppt calibration fluid and calibrate your refractometer to that.
Make sure your refracometer is not warm when you calibrate or use it. It should be a cooler room temperature whenever you use it. It doesn't make a lot of difference but if you store it near your lights or a ballast it's going to be a couple points off.


New Member
Ater some tweaking my daughter was able to get it zeroed in,,,,,,,,
thanks for the good we are able to start making some
accurate water for our 180 gal. reef ........


Well-Known Member
I agree with Bang Guy on this one. The only true way to calibrate a refractometer is with either pure distilled water and/or a 35ppt solution. I've also noticed a big difference when using a warm refractometer compaired to a room temp/cold one.


Active Member
And clean your refrac with tap water after you use it and let it air dry.
Especially if you're in a hypo situation where the salinity is critical. The salt residue on the unit can affect the reading.