Refractometer or a salinity tester Plastic one


Yes just wondering what is worth to get.. the cheep salinity tester (plastic one) or a Refractometer?? i know that the Refractometer is easier to read and performs much better but wondering if its needed?
sorry if i got the names wrong...


Nothing is better than a correctly calibrated refractometer. You can calibrate it with RO water or they do sell calibration fluid.
I would suggest spending your money on this nice piece of equipment now instead of later. SW aquariums are a big investment, not worth a silly error like a bad reading on salinity.
That being said, I know many many people who still have the plastic swing arms and live by them. More of a personal choice I guess.


Active Member
I don't think there is any choice at all. Refractometers are wonderful and should be sold with every saltwater tank. They are much more accurate than hydrometers.


Refractometers are sooooo worth the money! I got mine at this site for about $40. It is so much more accurate and easier to use than a hydrometer. With the hydrometer, even a tiny bubble on the swing arm can affect the reading. Go get a refractometer.


I heard Instant Ocean hydrometers can be as much as .004 off of your actual salinity, while other hydrometers are generally about .002 off. Get a refractometer; you'll be glad you did.


New Member
My vote is for the refractometer. I've used both. It's more precise and a lot easier to use IMHO.