Refractometer (Q 4-Terry B, Osmonic Shock)


Hey guys I just got an outbreak of ick in my 150 FOWLR. I noticed it first on my puffer, and then my clown trigger, and now my volitan lion. I am treating with hypo, with the incomparable knowledge that it is the best treatment possible. Also I ordered a refractometer yesterday with second day air to make sure I get the salinity just right. (Advice the Terry B always to offer)


Staff member
You didn't mention setting up a hospital tank for the treatment, but, just to alert you, in case you didn't know, you can not treat ick using hypo or copper in a tank with LR, thus you must set up a separate hospital tank.


Well it's really chunks of porous dead rock that was almost live. I don't mind treating it with hypo. Thanks though.


i have a bad feeling. i don't have the refractometer that i ordered but it should be here by tonight. my red sea hydrometer is just off reading 1.010, but i know that they are on accurate. however, my clown trigger and lion are what i'm worried about. he is developing weird colored eyes. if everyone can remember correctly i had ick about 5-6 weeks ago. i just got the salinity raised after the first hyposalinity battle, and poof, it was back. most of the fish have had the ick for about 3-4 days now. i am worried about losing my investment. there are no physical signs of improvement, but they are still swimming around alot, and did eat quite well. my questions are, how long do i have before they kick the bucket, when will i start to see results, why did the ick have a re-occurance,and should i keep the light off in the tank for a few days until i see results. <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />


yes there was something reintroduced, however it was in the quarantine the entire 4 weeks the main tank was under hypo. i received my refractometer and still lowering. i will say that these things are awsome and so easy to use. i think that anyone who is serious about their investment should definately get one of these. the fish however are still not showing any signs of improvement. how much of a margin do i have below 1.009 before its too low? the reason i ask is because the lines on the refractometer are hard to read because they are so small. please respond on osmonic shock and where it begins to hurt fish, and maybe signs of osmonic other than their dead. thank you!


Where did you get the meter? I've been looking for one. <img src="graemlins//confused2.gif" border="0" alt="[confused2]" />


OK Terry, that sounds good. Thanks for the salinity reading. I'll do my best. I got the refractometer from petwharehouses catalog. It was $175 with shipping. A small price to pay to save your investment.