Refractometer vs Hydrometer???


I've been learning that hydrometers (especially the swing arm kind, the kind that I have) are extremely inaccurate. Apparently refractometers are the way to go. Can anyone tell me where to go for the best deals? I've heard they can be expensive and I really just want to get something that does the job I need it to do w/o the bells and whistles.
Also I was wondering (completely off the topic where I can buy Sea Veggies? I'd like to starts using that instead of the geen nori that I have been feeding my tang.


refractometers can be found at almost any online retailer including this one. and the auction site. I do not have the one from this site but ive not heard anything bad about it and it is about as cheap as anyone else out there for a comparable product.
compared to the swing arm you cant go wrong with a refractometer purchase. just make sure it has ATC (automatic temperature controll)


cam someone please tell me what the auction site is and how I can get there? I need to purchase a refractometer and apparently this is the place to go. Thanks!


Active Member
This site has a strict policy of not allowing competetors links to appear in their message board. The logic goes "if we have to pay for and maintain the forum, then our competition can not post their links here". I have to agree with them. It really cuts down on the spam... I'm getting ready to buy a refractometer myself...


i also have one off that auction site its works well but i learned that you must re calibrate every month of so which isnt a big deal at all.


Active Member
Originally Posted by xrobbx03
i also have one off that auction site its works well but i learned that you must re calibrate every month of so which isnt a big deal at all.
I do not kjnow why a refractometer would have to be recalibrated every month....My one has not had to be recal'd in over 3 years, and my el cheapo is going on 1 year or so and its still where it was set. Is your scale shifting in the mount or what? Once set it should really stay set to the type liquid used to cal it. Has your baseline water samples changed?


I bought a portable refractometer from a competing website and I paid maybe $65. Those swing arm action ones are crap.