

Finally received my refractometer and after calibration, used it on my main and hospital tanks. I couldn't believe how far off my swing arm device was.
After setting QT to 1.009 using the refractometer, I tested it using the swing arm and it read around 1.005. I checked the main tank with the refractometer and it read 1.024. The swing arm read around 1.021.

bang guy

You should be using the Salinity scale, the S.G. scale is not accurate on an ATC refractometer. 14ppt is the number to shoot for.


It does look like if I shot for SG of 1.009, I'm really at 12 in PPT scale.
Why the discrepancy? And how did you find out which side is the correct one? Just curious.

bang guy

Refractometers measure salinity, not specific gravity. Saltwater hobbiests should have no interest in S.G. if they have a refractometer.
The descrepancy is because S.G. changes with temperature and salinity does not (not significantly anyway).
Any scale that equates salinity with specific gravity is only accurate at one specific temperature.



Originally posted by Bang Guy
Any scale that equates salinity with specific gravity is only accurate at one specific temperature.

Does that mean a refract. with a scale like the one above is no good or that you just need to make sure your measurement is taken at the same temp. that the refract. was calibrated at? I am confused at your statement, which is similar to one made in another post. Please help. I want to make sure I am geting an accurate measurement, after spending $50.00 I'm not convinced a bought a good tool and I may as well just kept my swing arm.



Originally posted by Bang Guy
You should be using the Salinity scale, the S.G. scale is not accurate on an ATC refractometer. 14ppt is the number to shoot for.

ATC = (auto. temp. compensating)?:notsure:

bang guy


Originally posted by donmgicwon
Does that mean a refract. with a scale like the one above is no good

I don't understand why you're confused.
Sea water is about 35ppt. So use the PPT scale and ignore the S.G. scale. I do not understand why they even put the S.G. scale on refractometers. You perchased an instrument that precocely measures salinity. It's an outstanding investment.
So bottom line:
35ppt for saltwater aquariums
14ppt for hyposalinity to kill parasites.