How do you guys get all the bubbles off the lens when using a refractometer. I have a lid that flips up, but it seems i always have some bubbles on it. Is there a secret?
I make sure when I flip the lid down, that it comes down on one side of the lens first and then the other which at least in my mind lets any trapped air escape as you bring the lid all the way down.
Originally Posted by randytester http:///forum/post/2607127
How do you guys get all the bubbles off the lens when using a refractometer. I have a lid that flips up, but it seems i always have some bubbles on it. Is there a secret?
What kind do you have? Mine looks similar to this. There are no bubbles involved. There should be a little syringe to take some water from your tank and place it on the lens, then you close the flap. Look at it toward a light.
Originally Posted by randytester http:///forum/post/2607155
yeah it looks like that, just when i put the lid down, there are usually bubbles
You aren't dipping the refractometer into the tank are you?
Originally Posted by coachKLM http:///forum/post/2607161
just close the lid from back to front.
Also make sure your getting enough sample water on the glass. You will only usually get bubbles when you skimp on the sample water. I've tried the same sample with bubbles (a couple drops sample water) and without (a few drops more sample water) and always gotten the same readings.
It wont always kill you to stray from the owners manual a little...
Originally Posted by sepulatian http:///forum/post/2607203
I must be doing something different. I have never gotten bubbles on my refractometer. Not one time, ever.
me either. I dont know
LOL, nah im not dipping. Maybe mine is just cheap. Ive tried lots of water, little water, and always seem to get small tiny bubbles. I usually have to try 3 or 4 times till i can get it without bubbles. But ive taken readings with the bubbles and without, and it appears to be the same reading.