Refug where is yours


I've been thinking of adding a refug to one of my tanks and was wondering where most of you put yours? Above for gravity feedback to tank or below for a gravity feed to the refug? Powerheads also seem to be different some what movement others a gentle passing of the water through it. I'm at this point planning on a 20 gal with a small PH on lowest flow besides the water in and out movement. Welcome all thoughts
My fuge falls in at the end of the line, but is plumbed into the rest of the system. It is a 55 with its own stand and canopy that drains into the sump located beside of it (bypassing the filter). Never noticed any decrease in the pod population in any tank, so the return pumps must not be too hard on them. If floor space is a concern and if you cannot locate it remotely, you can always put it under your display tank if there is enough room in the cabinet. I have a hang on style also, but it doesn't do much except look pretty and grow a few pods. Not convinced the hang on was worth the expense.

nm reef

Active Member
Mine is gravity return and is located in a room behind my display. It is independant of my sump and has a flow rate of about 150 GPH. The refugium is 3 seperate 35 gal capacity rubbermaid containers in sequence. The first stage is mostly assorted macros...the second is primarily razor and grape calupera with rubble and LR...the third stage is LR and practically no algaes...each stage has anywhere from a 4"-6" bed of LS and huge populations of snails/pods/worms/mini stars etc.
I think any refugium set-up can be a positive addition...and can help maintain a healthy display.:cool:


Active Member
i guess i'm kinda a weirdo and turned my fuge into another 50 gal tank, so i basically have 2 identical 50's stacked in an iron stand the top one is a reef and the bottom has a deep sand bed, rock, and inverts only plus caulerpa, sponges, and xenia. pods go nuts in there and it's had the same effect on nitrates my old 20 gal fuge did (though that's also likely due in no small part to my bioload--only 2 fish in the reef) in a sense it's a fuge on steroids but it's also part of the display. my cat loves it cause it's right at her eye level :)


Mine is located right next to the tank so there water levels about line up for a gravity return.


I have a hang on refuge and i am pretty happy with it. I used kent biosediment as its substrate and this works well because it is so fine. My pods and macro are growing like mad. I will someday make a larger one, but the hang on isn't too bad, IMO. Oh...I keep mine on the side of the tank so I can watch all the little critters.


my fuge currently takes up the area where my bio balls used to be. still waiting to find someone local who has a drill bit big enough to put in a 1 1/4" bulkhead. when i get the bulkhead put in, it will be fed off of my overflow drain line like my old one was before a seam blew on it.
running about 500 gallons per hour through a fige that holds about 8 gallons of water at the moment, but the macro is doing fine and the pods are still able to cling to the rock ok. it helps that i don't use any sand.