Refuge interest


Had my tank running since february, things have been going well but since I've started stocking my tank the nitrates have slowly been creepin up, there about 15 right now been doing 10% water change every two weeks for the last 6 weeks. I've been thinking of trying to add a refuge to my tank but not sure how big or what I need for my tank to help keep nitrates under control. Not a big issue now but I want to stay ahead of the game. I have 70 gal running a D.A.S in tank box filtration system. Will a 10 gal unger tank fuge be ample for my tank? Any ideas would be of GREAT help!!!!!!:jumping:


Originally Posted by KCarr
Had my tank running since february, things have been going well but since I've started stocking my tank the nitrates have slowly been creepin up, there about 15 right now been doing 10% water change every two weeks for the last 6 weeks. I've been thinking of trying to add a refuge to my tank but not sure how big or what I need for my tank to help keep nitrates under control. Not a big issue now but I want to stay ahead of the game. I have 70 gal running a D.A.S in tank box filtration system. Will a 10 gal unger tank fuge be ample for my tank? Any ideas would be of GREAT help!!!!!!:jumping:
Go buy an overflow box and get a 20g refugium(You'll want something bigger than a 10 to be able to put the skimmer in as well), you'll need a good skimmer to keep those nitrates down I prefer ASM or EuroReef. How much live rock is in your tank? This is also a great filtration source, 1.5-2lbs per gallon will work great. finally use RO/DI water for water changes, and those nitrates should not be a problem.


Active Member
A 10 gal should be fine. I would stock it full of plants like shaving bush or something similar. They remove nitrates and other impurities that cause algea blooms. Also mabey put a DSB "Deep Sand Bed" in the fuge. Like 6 to 8 inches that will also help with nitrates and nitrites. Mabey even a cleaner clam or two in there "they filter out nitrates and dont need light like the other clams "they burrow in the sand". Lots of ways to remove nitrates just have to try it I guess.


I have about 100lbs. of live rock and about 2inch live sand bed with ro/di water from my lfs. What factors play into how big my fuge shoud be? When I started the tank after all the rock and sand were added plus my filter box it holds about 55 gal. of water.


Well the size of the refugium is completely up to you. Some people are crazy and have a 500g refugium on their 200g tank, dont' ask me why lol. But seriously consider getting the biggest possible size for your refugium. You'll want to put a skimmer in there, the heater, and the return pumps. on top of this you also need room for a fuge, so it should be pretty large I would say your fug should be between 25-35% of the size of your main tan. you have a 55 so go with roughly a 20g, you'll be fine. This adds more water volume, to your tank which a harmful spike may not be soo dramatic because you have more volume. It will also give you a bigger deeper live sand bed which will naturally filter your water, possibly some room for some extra live rock, and more room for pods worms to populate, and more calerpa which will help filter nitrates. THE BIGGER THE BETTER, just remember to measure properly that the fug will fit in your stand.


Active Member
Well if your 55 is anything like mine "has a divider in the middle of the stand" a 20 gallon just wont work. It barely has room for a 10gallon and even then you wouldnt be able to put anything like a skimmer or anything down there you would have room for the drain and return pump and whatever you want to remove waste and params from the water. If you have a open stand then a 20 gallon would be fine. If you were local I know where you can get 10gallon tanks for $5 29 gallon tanks for $15 and a 55 gallon tank for $20.


My stand is actually open undern it. I may have been a little confusing in my thread, my tank is 70 gal. but only is holding about 55 gal after rock and such. I have a extra 10 gal i'm not using so thats why i'm wondering if it would work or not. I think i'm going to set it up first just to test the water and see what kind of result i get thanks.


Active Member
how are you going to pump water back up to the tank? I assume you'll have a big sump pump to do this. if so, I don't believe a 10 gallon is big enough. would a 36" inch 30 gallon fit under your stand? if so, that may be big enough. hell, if you were close by, I've got one I'd probably give you for free. if not, I'd consider a tupperware tub before trying a 10 gallon.


Yes you are probably right, 10 will be way to small when you put a pen to it and draw it out. Guess I 'll measure it out and see what my dementions are first. One thing I have'nt figured out yet is what kind of flow to get max benefit out of the fuge? Any idea?


Active Member
I know a local woman who pics up tanks at swap meets and stuff. They use them to take hatched chicks to the swaps. I clean them out really good before use though. I have only bought one from her though. Around here ppl get tired of tanks quick! I had a guppy tank full of fish give to me with everything. And not to long ago "If I had the money" there was a 100 gallon tank with everything inlcuding fish "cichlids" for I think $80


I saw that tank,in KC wasn't it? I asked him what if i didn't want the ciclids?(i already have a ciclid tank) and he told me i would have to wait till he placed the fish first then.I have not heard back from him