refuge overflow...


I am thinking of adding a little ten gallon refuge to my current system...just a few questions for those who know better than myself.
I currently have a 15 amircle sump and have thought about using that, but it is moving more than 700 gallons an hour and I have heard I will need something with less current than that to make it a refuge w/macro and thriving pods. Is this true?
Second, if I do set up something else, can a powerhead moving 280 gallons an hour be used to return the water? And if so, do I need a really small overflow box or can a standard size be used? Any idea where to get a small one online? They don't have them here, so no helping the enemy.
Thanks for reading and any input.

mr . salty

Active Member
700gph is WAAAY too much flow for an efective refugium...It really needs to be less than 100.So that powerhead idea is also a bit high.
Yes small overflows are availible online,but how about teeing off of your exsisting one with a seperate line feeding the 'fuge???Then adding an inline valve on this line to adjust the flow rate...Then return the water to your sump with a couple of 1" syphon tubes.
This is basicaly how mine is setup and has never failed me....As long as you make sure the syphon lines stay put....
I had to make a chamber in my sump that sustained a high water level for the 'fuge return,This is how the syphon is maintained...Remember,a syphon keeps the water level the same at each end.....
This can be a bit tricky to figure out the details,but if setupproperly ypou have a slow flow 'fuge,,plumbed inline with no additional pumps.......

cap'n pete

Do a search on "gravity fuge" in here. This should give you some good pics and ideas.
I found this one by Glazer. Simple and effective. Placed above the sump, you have a small powerhead pumping water into it with a larger bulkhead overflow returning.


Cap'n Pete! Your refuge looks great!
Where exactly did you fing that Glazer tank plus bulkhead? That refuge is EXACTLY what I'm looking for!! Do you have dimensions as well?


Cap'n Pete~
From an old post I discovered that that fuge is the one of glazer (for a moment I thought it wasd a store...).
Apparently it is a Kritterkeeper. I will go to the petstore soon...
But, I was not able to find those bulkheads and return hose. If you know where to get those..... much appreciated!


THANKS!! Exactly what I was looking for!
I just ordered the XL Kritter Keeper at ($20 incl. shipping). Can't wait to build the refuge.
Thanks again Cap'n


Active Member
hey guys, maybe you can help!
i have a 29 gal reef. I want to set up a refugium. I can get the hang on CPR for 83 bucks, I ordered it, but now im wondering if i should do something differnt.
What would be involved for me to put a little 3 gallon glass tank which i already have, under my reef tank, in the cabient...and use that as a refugium. that way the 24/7 13 watt PC light wont shine into my tank, and into my room when its bed time!
what would i need to do? I have no overflows, and no clue where to begin.
Which would you recomend i do? In the 3 gal i wanted to put like a 1 inch sand bed, unless more is better, and some LR rubble, and some calerpa and other algaes.
How would i do a steady DOWNFLOW into the 3 gallon, then BACK up to the 29 gallon. I want pods and such to grow as well.
so, with no overflow, what would i do. How much would i have to spend?
Thanks in advance. let me know, or email me at
anyone else with info please, let me have it! :)