refuge size


what size refuge would you recommend for a 60 gal. reef. looking at the cpr unit. does anyone have any exp. with these?


i really dont understand this board. i am asking legit questions and i am getting no answer. there are peolpe on here that are questions that you should already know the answer if you have bought a fish tank and already sunk money into it. questions like "why are my rock getting purple spots on them?" or " i have 15 fish, 12 crabs, 8 shrimp and 4 starfish in a 10 gallon tank, why are my fish dieing?" these questions get 10 to 15 responses to them and i cant get one? i dont know what the deal is? maybe i will get a answer now




well i checked those post and none of them say anything about what size refuge is best for the size of tank you have. also i asked if anyone has used the cpr hang-on refuge, which again there was nothing in those post that said anything about that.


Active Member
the bigger the better... unless ur going bigger then your tank.. u should switch em.. lol
the more water volume u have, the better.. for example, i have a 75 gallon display with 20 gallon sump and i am waitin on the bulkheads so i can pipe in a 15 gallon fuge to that.. brings my water volume up to 110.. if i fill sump and fuge all the way (which i will not... have to leave room for draining in the event the power goes out or the pump decides to die for some odd reason)..
reason for more water volume:
for example if something dies.. 110 gallons will dillute the toxins more then just 75 gallons...
also the bigger the fuge, the more u can put in there..
most people go with what will fit under their tank (inside the stand)...
you do want more surface area for the water.. not a deeper tank.. you could go with a 55 gallon fuge, giving u room for whatever u want in there.. you could also go with a 20 gallon and grow chaeto in it.. adds oxygen and helps with nitrates..
to sum it up.. there is no set size fuge for a certain size tank.. go with the biggest u have the room for!
I hope this helps you out....


Well, the aquafuges are good for what they are i guess. The biggest one only holds like 5 gallons i think. For your size tank, i would think tht your better off going with at least a 20 gal. and probably a 55 so that you have room for a sump in it too.
I guess i got off on a tangent because it really does depend on what you want it for. If you only want to grow macro, then yeah the aquafuge is probably good enough, you can pack quite a bit of cheato in it. i thought one of those gave a fuge size, but oh well. Its basically anything up to the size of your DT, there is really no set ratio of tank:fuge. Just know that bigger is better.


I have a CPR Hang on Fuge that I got just because I wanted to be able to have a place for pods to grow for a Mandarin. I have had it and the Mandarin for over a 1 1/2 years and it has kept the display tank stocked with pods. I know a bigger one would have been better but it helped me with what I was needing it to do.


CPR makes HOB and sump based fuges. I have a HOB with PS fuge from them for my 37g. I am extremely pleased with its performance.

nm reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by boo-yaa138
what size refuge would you recommend for a 60 gal. reef. looking at the cpr unit. does anyone have any exp. with these?
I would suggest as large a refugium as possible...the larger the better...there is no set size...but based on the function a refugium serves the larger the water volume the better it will function. your situation...I'd urge you to avoid the hang-on type and consider a larger unit that could provide far more benefits.

"i really dont understand this board. i am asking legit questions and i am getting no answer. there are peolpe on here that are questions that you should already know the answer if you have bought a fish tank and already sunk money into it. questions like "why are my rock getting purple spots on them?" or " i have 15 fish, 12 crabs, 8 shrimp and 4 starfish in a 10 gallon tank, why are my fish dieing?" these questions get 10 to 15 responses to them and i cant get one? i dont know what the deal is? maybe i will get a answer now"
Actually this didn't help get a response....just shows your frustration...there are numerous experiencied hobbyists here that are normally quick to respond...but sometimes it does take a little time.
Sorry you had to wait and I certainly hope you got the answer you were looking for.
Personally I would avoid the CPR unit....just too small to be of much good....


thanks for all your posts. i do get mad at some of these questions that people ask on here. they are thing that you should already know if your going to get into this hobby, well unless you have tons of money to throw away. this did answer my question and i will look into getting one. :happyfish :happyfish


Good luck.... And yes, there are alot of questions that people ask that can simply be answered by common sense, or by using the search function.... It gets boring...


Staff member
This a a forum for all levels of "maturity" in the hobby. Criticism of other hobbyist questions is not a good way get your own questions addressed. In fact, that could be rather problemmatic.
There is no given size of refuge per size of tank. The bigger the better is the best answer. There are some hobbyists whose refuge is even bigger than their tank! So you need to set up what you can afford and plan ahead about how you want your fuge to function.