

ok dont have the money for a fuge.... are the hob type ok.... i just need it to help with trates and grow copepods?


Refugiums are relatively new to the hobby (to me anyway since I have been keeping fish since the 50's) No, they are not a requirement to have a successful tank. Yes, they help keep nitrates down-and used to be called
algae scrubbers and yes, you can grow copepods there, but you will have pods in your tank if you have enough good quality live rock and as the tank ages. YOu can also keep nitrates down through other methods, frquent, larger water changes, not overfeeding, making sure nothing dies and if it does get it out of the tank. Add some plants to the tank itself.
Do you have dragonets that live on pods? Most fish will eat a variety of fresh and frozen foods so it isnt necessary to proved additional pods.


yes i have one dragonet but have 60 lbs rock... and he seems to be in good health so far...can only hope he is. he is the nicest one i have ever seen hes red and blue.....AMAZING
thnaks for the reply it helped me.... im just goign to do 5 gallons a week water change... (65 gallon tank) thanks


Active Member
Have you seen the dragonet eat anything? They can live a long time before they die of starvation.