Refugia question


I would like to set up a refugia. I get the whole idea and I have come to the conclusion that if I don't need one.......I at least want one. Anything to make this SW tank go well. My question is how do I get the water to it if I don't have an overflow built into the tank? Do I have to drill it? Is there some way to get water to it without putting a hole in the tank?
Thanks in advance for the help.


Active Member
i would like to know ways to do it without drilling the tank also.. my tank is all temperd glass so i cannot drill it

bang guy

A high quality overflow box will work. It's not nearly as good as a drilled tank but it will work.
I actually suggest two of them to prevent wet carpet.
I use a overflow box I got off of e-bay and I have been very happy with it.I would avoid any overflows that require a powerhead for them to work.
Basically an overflow box has to parts.One hangs in the tank and the other outside the tank.Most use a "u" tube that drains the box inside the tank to the box that is outside the tank,mine has a duel overflow.The box outside has bulkheads,that you can attach pipe to ,so you can run a sump an a fuge.The "u" tubes work on a siphon effect.I recommend you put ball valves so you can control the flow.