Refugium Aglae Needed.


Well it figures that my LFS does not carrie any calurpa or other micro algae. I need a source for it. Or if you have any cuttings you can give/sale me that would be great!! I would pay for shipping.
I have my refugium set up and working all I need is some plants/algae.


After I get some macro algae for my refugium how long will it take to start to notice a change in Nitrates?


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by 125inTX
After I get some macro algae for my refugium how long will it take to start to notice a change in Nitrates?

Depends upon the sensitivity of your test kit. My macro algae tank went from over 160+ ppm+ to 0.0 in about three weeks. but that was with essentually no bio load. My 55g display has taken months to go from 40 to 20. Adn I am still adding macros and plants.
But with a constant bioload that has been established, any addition of live plants will immediately reduce nitrates.

nm reef

Active Member
I harvest a few types of caulpera about once a month. The way the weather has been latly I could harvest some ... toss it in the wind...and you could catch it as it blew by Amarillo!!!
Or you could come over here to Clovis and I could set ya up!!
<a href="">
<img border="0" src="">


Let me know when you do, I will be watching for it to bow in.
How far is Clovis from Amarillo? Do you ever make it up this way? I go to Hereford every once in a while, how far is it from there?

bang guy

What types do you have? Perhaps we can set up a trade.
I have Mini-Grape, Mermaids Cup, Chaetomorpha, and Razor.

Originally posted by waterfaller1
125inTX..leave your e-mail add.,and I will send you a site that sells about 20 types..HTH,Carole

Can that person or you Email me this information and every individual of 20 types of algaes' performance, their "food source", their releases after, light requirement, and etc? Never have had any algae filtration and I am in planning to have those in my system. I need to understand and learn their system before I opt to plant in my fuge. Can I combine a few different kinds in together? Is there a certain type of algaes or plants that fish do not bother to eat enough to kill them in the display tank without a worry of being algae/plant infested tank.
Many thanks.


That site is truly impressive. Bang, currently I have Grape, razor caulerpa, and halimeda. That I grow in a 10 gallon with only sunlight and dirty water changes. I'm actually just now learning about a refugium. I've used all of my caulerpa as trade-in to my LFS, so far I've traded off about $80 (cost) at retail atleast $150 worth. Most of my cleaning crew was paid for by caulerpa! I'm going to purchase atleast 5 types from that webpage to start growing. I want to start growing some of the red caulerpas. I just recently took a bag in, so I'm down to what I re-grow with. It will be a month or 2 before I have a good quantity of anything again.