Refugium And Light For Sale


I am seeling a slightly used refugium and light, the sump is made of acrilyc and i have a light that fits on the top. i used it in a 125 gal reef tank set up. i had the refugium for abut 2 weeks total in the tank,(my power went out for 18 hours and i lost just about everything
) i paid $99.00 for it new , i am asking $50.00 for it now. if interested e-mail me at and i will send you a pic.(i have no clue on how to attach a pic on this site).thanks for looking.


the size(this is a rough estiment) 15 in tall by 22 inches long by 12 inches wide (give or take a few inches) i will measure it exact when i get home..


i replied to the e-mail but it got returned it sais failed to deliver??? i sent another one out hop you get it,do you have another e-mail address????? plus i work a swing shift 2-thirds 2 seconds and 1-first sorry i have been really busy to check back to this site


Originally Posted by Infern0
Sent you an E-Mail 2 days word back yet.
VERY interested
i just sent out 3 e-mails to you and it says you do not have enough disk space sorry not much i can do on this end do you have a different e-mail address??


still avalible if any wants i thought i had it sold to someone on here but i guess they dont want it,i had it boxed up and ready to ship out,so if anybody here wants it it is ready to go.i accecpt paypal.just e-mail me and we can set up arrangements


bump, just got back online and it is still here, VIC2367 said he wanted it and for me to put it on hold,so like a dumb --- i did and then he never e-mailed me back(said he was going to pay by paypal and everything) so if anyone is interested hit me back with an e-mail(i will put it on e-bay here in about a week)


I am VERY interested...I've sent you private email. Please let us know if the unit has been sold. thanks,dr