refugium cleaning crew?


New Member
Hi there! Long time reader of this board and first time poster! I just built myself a sump/refugium for my 29 gallon reef. A few questions. I've got some live sand and various green plants in the refugium.
1. What type of critters do you use in the sump to keep things clean?
2. How many hours do you have the lights for the refugium on for?
Thanks to all the helpful people on here! I've used the information and advice to build a stand, sump/refugium, protein skimmer! I'll post pics in a bit.


Active Member
I didnt start out with any critters in my sump or refugium as they really dont serve a purpose to have them in there.. But snails started popping up in my fuge and now its full of them.
My guess is the eggs floated out of the display into the fuge and hatched.. Now i have thousands of baby snails in my sump and fuge.


New Member
as far as critters in the fuge i have had good luck with my tiger tail cucumber, he doesnt push over the plants but does move the sand and eat detris. i also keep a pistol shrimp in there, but that was just to get him out of the reef he doesn't really help.
the plants ive tried a couple of different types, the grapeseed caulerpa grows to fast but if you have alot of tangs or angels you can use it to feed as well as clean your tank.
the little mangrove trees are probably the best you can find but they grow tall and out of the water. eventually they need to be trimmed.
halameda (not sure on the spelling) grows well and can be cut and replanted easily, but as i have been reading not the best choice for the reef because it also use alot of calcium.
the hours of lighting is kinda somthing you will have to fine tune over time, the proper light depends on the bulb wattage and spectrum and also what you are trying to accomplish. if you are growing caulerpa for food as well as keeping your tank clean as much light as it will take before hair algae starts to grow in your fuge. but it will take time and some fine tuning to perfect it.


New Member
Razor, that's sweet fortune with the snail eggs. I was thinking about dropping some in there. Wanna send me some?

I'll drop some in there and see how they do.
Do either of you know where you can order some of the sorted plants for the fuge? I have some of the calpera in there right now and they seem to be doing fine. I am using a simple grow bulb from home depot at about 40watts.
Thanks for the info!


Active Member

Originally posted by stranflow
Razor, that's sweet fortune with the snail eggs. I was thinking about dropping some in there. Wanna send me some?

I'll drop some in there and see how they do.
Do either of you know where you can order some of the sorted plants for the fuge? I have some of the calpera in there right now and they seem to be doing fine. I am using a simple grow bulb from home depot at about 40watts.
Thanks for the info!

You can order some of your plants right here under the inverts (not sure whey they are there) They have shaving brushes and flat plants.. Both are nice enough to go in the display if you choose to..


for a refugium you are not supposed to put any predators in there (such as shrimp or zoos or mushrooms or anything that will prey on copepods and amphipods) or you are defeating the purpose of a refugium (safe haven for copepods and amphipods, and growing macro algaes for nutrient export). snails should be fine, and your fuge shouldnt actually get very dirty in theory. i am curious to know how many people's fuges look after existing for some time in connection to their main systems though, since I dont actually HAVE a fuge and have been curious about the cleanliness issue as well. i wouldnt imagine one would be overly concerned with keeping it quite as immaculate as people like to keep their displays however, since they are there to serve a purpose primarily, and for looks secondarily.