Refugium filler


If you could which would you have more of live rock of macro algae in your refugium i know the macro algae will grow but if you would fill the refugium pretty full with live rock leaving less room in the tank for macro would that be bad


Active Member
I went with the mineral mud with the Chaeto laying on top.. ITS growing OUT of the fuge, time for a haircut..


Active Member
I would have to say it would depend on the dimensions of the refugium.
if I could readily fit large LR into it then I would go with mostly larger LR. and let the macro grow amongts it. if I was limited for space I would go purely macro. in my 30g sump I run sand, macro, and LR in my 10G sump I run mostly macro. (there is some lr in there but not a lot due to space limitations and equipment). it would also depend on how much I could invest in my refugium, for low $$ I would run macro its cheaper and grows on its own so you can start with a very little and end up with more than you need.


Active Member
as long as your DT has a good amount of LR, i would lean more towards macro algae for absorbing nutrients. LR is good, but a mix of the two is better. id much rather have the LR in m DT than the macro algae in my DT.


Yeah it is a 30 long already has about 5 lbs lr and macro and mangroves
But I was hoping to kinda hear what reefkprz said :-D


I have sand and about 6 lbs of LR rubble and the rest is micro alage. I think if you have lots of LR in the DT then whats a couple more lbs going to help. I think that you get more benifit from using the space for nutrient export(micro) JMO