Refugium Flow Question


I've finally purchased a 29 gallon tank and am installing the baffles to make it into a refugium. My DT is 125 gallon, and I'm running 2 RENA XP3 canisters for filtration. I want the fuge so that I have copepods (I want to add a mandarin Dragonet) and I want to add cheato for some bio filtration and to feed pieces to my tangs.
My question is, what flow rate should go through the fuge
? I was thinking roughly 600 gph. Obviously I don't want to kick up the sand, but I also don't want such a low flow that I'm not getting full benefit.
Is there some sort of rule?


Figure turning the DT tank over 8 to 10x per hr thru the sump.
You will also need to consider the overflow box, if you are using one. Just don't pull more flow thru the overflow with pump then the overflow is designed for.


Isn't the flow more dependant on the refugium size, not the DT size? Too much flow will kick up sand.


Oh, I also plan on purchasing an Eshopps overflow - whichever size matches the flow for the 29g refugium..
I'm looking at a Mag Drive 9.5 if 600 gpm is enought, or a Mag Drive 12 if I need to go to 1000 gpm.


Remember flow rate thru sump is Gallons per hour, not gallons per minute. Since you are using a 29 sump maybe 8x per hr turnover will be plenty of flow. 8x= 1000gph. I think the pf 1000 is rated for that flow rate.
I turn my 55 gallon over 8 times thru a 20g tall Sump/ refugium & flow seems very slow thru S/R. I also split the return flow in the DT.



Originally Posted by b2bwest
I've finally purchased a 29 gallon tank and am installing the baffles to make it into a refugium. My DT is 125 gallon, and I'm running 2 RENA XP3 canisters for filtration. I want the fuge so that I have copepods (I want to add a mandarin Dragonet) and I want to add cheato for some bio filtration and to feed pieces to my tangs.
My question is, what flow rate should go through the fuge
? I was thinking roughly 600 gph. Obviously I don't want to kick up the sand, but I also don't want such a low flow that I'm not getting full benefit.
Is there some sort of rule?
Two things to consider.
1) Copod survival rates through a pump will probably be quite low. Gravity fed refuge might be better. I still seed my DT with copods every 2 months, until I redo my plumbing.
2) My tangs stayed away from the cheato. Gracillaria they might enjoy better. Mine just might be finiky.


Anyone else have any advice?
I wasn't going to count on the copepods surviving the pump - I was going to harvest some out of the refugium and drop in the DT every so often.
I'll check to see what does 800 gph. 600 gph is a bit easier to find (and cheaper).


Another question - what keeps the return pump from burning out if you somehow lose prime on the overflow box? Does the pump shut off on thermal overload? Or will I need to install a float switch?
I'm looking at a Mag Drive pump as my first choice, and a Quiet One Pump as my second choice (both are submersible).


Originally Posted by b2bwest
Another question - what keeps the return pump from burning out if you somehow lose prime on the overflow box? Does the pump shut off on thermal overload? Or will I need to install a float switch?
I'm looking at a Mag Drive pump as my first choice, and a Quiet One Pump as my second choice (both are submersible).
Anyone have an answer??


Active Member
Copepods are small enough to survive being sucked into the pump.
High flow through a refugium with chaeto is the way to go. Chaeto loves flow.