Refugium for Nano's!


Active Member
Well maybe it might help but it help me when i had a nano tank.
*First the Biocubes*

By: Nissan577
1. well first of all you really dont need a skimmer. it really doesnt help. as long as you do proper water changes you are good. doing a refugium is the best way to go. IMO.
2. remove everything you got in the back. meaning the sponge, the top floor and anything else back there.
3. leaving the bottom false floor, put some chaetomorpha ontop of it. or you can put LR rubble on the false floor and chaeto ontop of that. BUT WHATEVER you do dont put the LR on the floor. put it on the false floor. so it can get flow.
4. Make sure the water is always ontop of the chaeto.
5. Next, buy some chemipure-elite and purigen. place the purigen in the first or third chamber and same thing for the chemipure.
6. for light you can get any submersible light or the AZOO PALM LIGHT
7. enjoy your refugium!

*JBJ nano tanks*

Provided by Nano-newb1983
First you will notice in the back of your tank you will have three chambers. In the 1st you will have a big sponge, 2nd small sponge, bag of ceramic rings, carbon and bio balls. 3rd you got your pump.
Now to start off i want you to take everything out of chambers 1 & 2. Dont touch 3.
Next i would like you to go to LFS or search online for these items.
Fliter Floss
Small Light.
In Chamber one you will want to put in the Chemi-pure, Purigen and Filter Floss. The Filter Floss is optional, if you do use it i would replace every week or two, depends on how dirty it get.
Chamber two Is where you put the Cheato and light. The best way for it, is to add the Cheato in a cup. Keeps back area a bit cleaner. Now for the light i have an AZOO PALM LIGHT Cant post links, but google it and you will find it. When i added this light on back my cheato has been growing like crazy

Im sure with this after a while of having this and pods growing in the tank, you can keep a Scooter blenny and or a Mandarin!


Going to do this tomorrow.
Do LFS sell chaeto? Does it come dry or it is already alive?
Also, how often do I add the chemipure and purigen to the tank?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tang Master
chemipure elite is better. it comes in a bag and it is good for up to six months. not sure about purigen tho.
chaeto comes in a bag. and purigen change it every time you change chemi


Do you have a filter Nissan or is your water just running into your refugium?
Also, the water level in the second area of my biocube only fills about half way full because that is the way it is designed. How do you keep if full like in your pics?


Active Member
Originally Posted by chaseter
Do you have a filter Nissan or is your water just running into your refugium?
Also, the water level in the second area of my biocube only fills about half way full because that is the way it is designed. How do you keep if full like in your pics?
well i dont have a biocube anymore but when i had it i had filter floss there. fill it with more water!!!!!!!!!!!!!


What did the filter floss do?
Or, since it is halfway that good enough for the chaeto to live and thrive?