Refugium gph


What kind of water flow should i look for in my refugium. I have a mag 2 pump - 1' head so i think thats about 220-250 gph. Is that too much? What is the recommended gph.


Active Member
How big is your Refugium? Also, what are you trying to grow in it? Some macro algaes want more turbulent flow than others.


its a 29g tank that will prolly be filled like a 20gl. Im not sure about growth but im open to suggestions. Maybe cheato?...


Active Member
Think maybe you should figure out what you want to grow in there and "then" figure out the lighting and flow needs...


There was nothing nasty about squidd's post, in fact it is a valid question IMO. You wouldn't want to stick a macro in there only to have it blow into the intakes or tumble sencelessly around in the tank. Different plants have different needs. Do you want to try a culerpa that roots itself to rock and gravel/sand? or something loose like the chaetomorpha that you can just let lay on the bottom of the fuge?
For a 29 gallon fuge usually a 5-10 times turnover rate is typical of what I see, sometimes even slower, but it all depends on how and why you are building the fuge and what you want to accomplish with it.


Active Member
I thought it was a valid comment... :notsure:
Kinda like "Pick the fish you want..."then" buy a tank to fit it's needs...rather than buy a tank and then try to figure out what fish will "fit" in there..."


Active Member
Yeah, I didn't see anything nasty about squidd's post either. Squidd and Thomas pretty much summed it up excellently though.
For instance, in my 15, I am growing chaeto and xenia, and for this reason, I have a pretty good current in my tank. I use a mag 5, cut back 1/4 of the way, so it is probably giving me about 300 gph in the fuge.


I was only asking what kind i should put in there i dont know much about macros. Thats all.
**As for the reply thought you were being nasty. No hate or anger here. Sorry.**