Refugium help


Can anyone tell me what they have used as a substrate in their refugium? I see a product called "CaribSea Mineral Mud" for refugiums. Not sure whether to use live sand or try this mineral mud. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks


I have used both and saw no benefit. I would go with the live sand and 3-4 inches of depth. The theory is the mud and other products time release minerals into the water. I do't see a benefit of this occurring as water change do this better.
I have a large refugium and to keep the costs down I used prewashed sand and live sand.
Once established order some copeods and keep some snails and hermits inside.

salt life

Active Member
+1 for above, I just put in 4 inches of dry dead sand in my fuge yesterday and put like 10 pieces of small live rock in there and im gonna seed it with some LS from my other tank. so to answer your question I'd use dead sand since it is cheaper and the live stuff isn't really live, and then seed it with established sand from another tank.


When you say "dry dead" & "prewashed", are you referring to a play type sand? I like the idea of seeding the bed with my current live sand. Good idea!! How long will it take a dead sand to establish seeded with live sand?

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by tlsohio
When you say "dry dead" & "prewashed", are you referring to a play type sand? I like the idea of seeding the bed with my current live sand. Good idea!! How long will it take a dead sand to establish seeded with live sand?
not a play sand from home depot or anything like that which is debatable if it is ok to use since it is silica based, your LFS should carry dried out aragonite sand or just a dried out sand, which is the live sand they sell just dried out and doesn't have the decaying matter in it. not sure on an exact time it would take but I'd say a couple of weeks for the live sand bacteria to establish itself in the dead sand.


Thanks so much 'Fau8" & "Salt Life" for the advice. I will check out my LFS tomorrow and see what they have. I appreciate your input!! Happy Trails....

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by tlsohio
Thanks so much 'Fau8" & "Salt Life" for the advice. I will check out my LFS tomorrow and see what they have. I appreciate your input!! Happy Trails....
no problem, keep us updated