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Ok Floridajoe you keep talking about what happens when the water level drops in a certain chamber. Is there a different way to make this fuge/sump. Do you have any other ideas or pictures of your sump/fuge. If this is the wrong way then why not show us how we need to be building it. I don't want you to think I am trying to make you mad but I am getting confused here. They keep showing me the same way to build it and you keep asking about the water levels. So now I am asking myself is this the right way or not. Seems like every fuge/sump I have looked at to buy looks like the ones they have built. So if you have any pics please feel free to show us your sump.
First let me say my sump and refug are two different tanks interconnected via a bulkhead so so i dont think a picture would help you I am by no means an expert on sump refug systems as I have stated before. The resident experts will shoot down my thoughts I am sure. But here they are.
The level of water you have in your return pump is predicated on the influent and gph of your return pump. Unless you have a variable speed pump, which I don’t think, you have. Now the height of your dividers seems to be just under the height of the water in the influent and refug chamber, now you are using a u tube to feed the sump/refug and impediment of the setup (a dirty sock or snails or algae est.) will slow the feed to your sump/refug. With your pump being constant as soon as you loose some of the influent enough to lower your level in the first to chambers your return pump chamber water level can become lower then your pump suction side. Does this make any sense to you? And if so and you want to continue this conversation I can suggest a simple remedy if not thats fine and good luck with your system
This is a picture of my refug it is a custom made tank to fit in the space under my 110g tank. It is placed in front of my sump which houses the return pump, bioballs, protein skimmer and mechanical filter pad. I don’t know if it can be of use to you but I will answer any questions you have about it