Refugium Info

florida joe

Well-Known Member
I am one of the less knowledgeable people on the reef section when it comes to Refugium but I think you would be best served by supplying some info on your particular set up. Your tank size where you want you refug to be placed. What you are trying to accomplish with it. Them you can ask specific questions relating to your particular needs


Active Member
google "melev's reef "
go to it and click the "DIY" link. he has lots of articles about fuges and sizing and setup. almost TOO much info lol


WEll i guess that's fair!

i have a 75 gal reef, runing about 1060 watts of halide, daylights and atinics
Remora skimmer, penguin 400 for mechanical filtration, 4 1200 maxi jets setup on my reefkeeper II. I also have a 55 out in the garage i use for mixing my water for water changes, i plan on setting it up out there till i get the bugs worked out!

Top pic is a wet/dry unit i have i want to turn into the refugium, rated for a 200 gal tank


florida joe

Well-Known Member
Ok check out my thread plenum or insanity for some fun reading I am sure we can get you started and you will get some great help along the way


Active Member
Originally Posted by florida joe
Ok check out my thread plenum or insanity for some fun reading I am sure we can get you started and you will get some great help along the way
Theres lots of threads about converting a wet dry into a refugium. Use the "search" function on this forum and they should turn up.
What other info are you looking for?
nice looking tank by the way