refugium lighting


Any ideas on what type of lighting would be sufficient for a 20 gallon refugium? I was thinking of buying one of those clamp lights from the home depot, but how much watts and what kind of bulb would be most sufficient?


Thats what i would use. That and a self ballating PC bulb from the local petstore. Eclipse makes them, that what i have on my fuge. THe bulb at least, i modified my eclipse tank for a fuge so i just used the fiture it came with. But that clamp light would be fine, and its only $6, id do 2 though.


stupid question, but do i need any special type of lighting (i.e. 50/50, 10K etc.) or can i use just an ordinary 75-150 watt GE bulb? I'm a little confused because I know that the tank itself needs specific lighting, but the refugium is really not for show (i.e. colorful coraline growth etc.) but rather to grow beneficial alage. Would the bulb/wattage that i describe above be sufficient?


I would go to the dreaded petsmart and get the powercompact bulbs that have regular screw in connectors like an ordinary house lamp. THey are about 10 bucks each, but they will provide the right spectrum for coraline and marcoalgea to take over the fuge. I wouldnt use an ordinary lamp, they tend to allow for the gross, non beneficial stuff to grow....
i have two of the coralife screw-in power compact bulbs for sale they are 11 watts each
6500k perfect for macroalgae
1 is brand new still in box the other was used for about 4 days i just purchased them on 10-12-05
10 dollars for both plus shipping


A 20 gallon tank? all you need is the LOA lighting fixture from Home Depot, its a 65w 6500k PC, and from my understanding fits great on the 20 gallon tank. Its cheap too.


I am using the 85 -75 watt pc flood light and clip on light from home depot and point it down from the top you do not have to buy a 50/50 or 10k from any pet store and the plant grow wild and it is cheaper light in a two pack for the same 1/2 the price from pet store.