Originally Posted by ReefNut
Home Depot sells a Lights of America fixture that comes with a 65w 6500k bulb... they work good for a 10g refuge.
I bought this one too, but after a few months the electronics inside it shorted out. I took it apart and rewired it took the internal switch out. It works fine again now.
i have an 18" flourescent light for my QT that i thought about using...its your standard AGA 10 gallon hood light... is there a bulb i could get for that that would have enough output? :notsure:
i got a spiral PC lightbulb in a spotlight design that melev's reef talks about, it screws into a normal light socket. so far the chaeto's started to take off.
works great. the big box stores carry the similar lights, but unfortunately do not tell you what the K value is. with shipping, the one from melev's reef came out to $20.
i'll tell you what, that light is BRIGHT for using 15watts.