Refugium options


I would like to know the basic rules for a hang on refugium. It is an ECOSYSTEM 60 model and I have a 55G aquarium. I have heard mud is the best and I have heard sand. I have heard mangroves and I have heard chaeto. So I would like to ask you guys. I would also like to know about how much sand or mud, mangroves or chaeto to add. I will be using the basic light that comes with it if that makes a difference. I do plan on adding some copepods to it.


Active Member
I used a cpr hob fuge on my old 55 gal. I just used sand, liverock rubble and cheato.
I used it for pod production.

sign guy

Active Member
the thing to remember about mangroves is that they are trees and to remain efective and not leach they must be able to grow. and trees get big, after about 6 months they will be to big for the back of your tank. mud imho dose not have enough positves to make up for its negitives. ex, sand is more capable to grow copods because they can burrow and clean the detris in sand and while the mud has a lot of bacteria your not going to utelize this unless you macro algea is a root algea. not to mention that after a short time the sand will have the same bacteria as the mud. pluss sand and cheato is easier to maintain. just my .02