Refugium pic


Got it in today. There is a 4" DSB and 12" of water above that. Ran the flow tube within about 3" of the SBD and its pushing the sand a little in the corner so I know the flow is reaching the bottom nicely. Used a 2" overflow into the sump. Here's a pic
Larry :cool:

bang guy

I think that looks really cool.
Nice job.
It also looks like a perfect place to use one of those el-cheapo Light of America 65watt PC worklights.
Thanks for the pic...I am setting up a new 120gal and was trying to think of a way to incorporate a "propagation station". After looking at your pic I think recessing a tank into a piece of countertop that is tied to the main system and putting it all behind aquarium stand matching cabinet doors is a perfect solution to what I am after. Errrrr sorry thinking outloud :)
Great job and thanks for sharing.


Glad I could inspire.:D This is working out good, so far. Its nice to have the stuff up higher where you can work on it easier too. I plan on enclosing all of it when I'm done. Just seeing where my wall protein skimmer lines end up and I'll start the raised counter and doors. I'm in the Columbus area, BTW.
Small world...I sell a lot of Xenia to Byerlys (probably most of what they resell) along with a few other things....I am about 1 1/2 hours south, just outside of Athens.


Hey zeppelin
Do you support the tubs from the bottom? I would like to see some picture of the bottom if you have one.


The refugium is supported at the bottom with wood. The sump rubbermaid has a very strong lip, and is not supported from the bottom. The sump is only about half full. I have unplugged the electric and let the sump fill, and no problems. The Rubbermaid has a very rigid lip.