Refugium Question..Please help.


HI All,
I have a quick question. I recently set up my 20 gallon refugium for my 90 gallon tank. The tank has been up and running for about 2 months and everything good. However, i have noticed that brown algae has completely covered my substarte in my fuge.
Im my fuge i have some live rock, and some Cheato. Cheato seems to be thriving, but algae is out of control. I am running my lights on a reverse cycle. I am using coral life 18 watt 6700K. Is this normal for the fuge to get covered in this much brown algae?


How long are you leaving your lights on in your refug.
6 to 8 hours a day is fine. Long could grow algae.


I have a small HOB Refrigium and it also has brown algea that grows in it. All I do is put a turbo snail in it and the algea is gone in a couple of days. Might want to add three turbo snails in it and they will keep it clean.