Refugium Question


Well-Known Member
Quote:Originally Posted by BTLDreef http:///t/395527/refugium-question#post_3530832
Justpeachy, where are you located? Before you spend $ on macros, you may want to see if there are local reefers that need to harvest.

also can you be more specific on your lighting? the 60w--- it that the incandescent equilivant or actual watts.
Is the light above the refugium or behind?
you should not have to replace dying macros but be harvesting the over growth.
I suspect a lighting problem now that I think about it.
my .02


Well-Known Member
60w worth of leds is heck of a lot of power over a refugium. Very well could be burning the algae.


Well-Known Member
I just checked lowe's and they have a 60w 3000K LED bulb for $15 or so. It's only 12 actual watts.
And has a round globe not the spot type setup.
So if that's what is being used I still recommend a good 6500k 15-20 w spiral in a round clip on spot reflector.
my .02


Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 http:///t/395527/refugium-question#post_3530728
red algaes actually prefer a lot of blue light, since they live in deeper water
. Green algaes prefer red/yellow/orange spectrum since they live in a lot shallower water depths. Red algae stays red because of the blue light that it absorbs. It can not absorb the red spectrum like green algaes can, and therefore reflects it. Adding in some blue lights to your fuge lighting scheme will (hopefully) let you keep more red algaes.

That red algae, BTLD, if you could get a pic of it, I'm sure we might be able to ID it somehow. Could it be red turf algae by chance?

I always thought this too - yet my reds have always done much better with higher lighting. I've had the best luck with them under the same LEDs that I have running over my main coral reef. I have learned to treat my red macro as if they were corals.


Well-Known Member
If it is the Lowes style bulb then it's most likely not enough light. Under that dome/diffusor is a cluster of leds that broadcast most of their output 360 degrees around. Without the right reflector one could possibly be losing upwards of 60-80% of the output, wasted.
Originally Posted by BTLDreef http:///t/395527/refugium-question#post_3530832
Justpeachy, where are you located? Before you spend $ on macros, you may want to see if there are local reefers that need to harvest.

That would be great but I would be real suprised if there are local reefers.

@ sweatervest13 no worries but would like to see your pics of the stuff you are asking about. I will get new picutres of both my sorry looking refugiums.