refugium question's


alright, someone told me that a refugium whould be very benificial for my reef tank. my problem is that I really don't understand the hole refugium thing. if I do decide to do one can I build it in my sump, and how whould I do this. and the final question is whould caulerpa be a good plant to put in the refugium. any info whould be greatly appreciated. also any good sites on this topic whould be great, thanks in advance


Active Member
I built a refug from my 55 gal.
I put in a divider and lowered the water flow to that section to about 50 gph, add some LR and sand.
Throw in some caulerpa and weed some out every three weeks or so.
The plant will take up some of the gunk in the water (like a skimmer will) and will be need to weeded out every so often and thrown away.


Here's my sump me if you want some more ideas! You shouldn't have any problem adding plexiglass walls to your current sump.
Click the link to it in my signature below.


i built one for my tank about 2 years ago one of the best things imo that i could have done i have some live sand and many different kinds of caulerpa and live rock mine was custom built for the back of my tank i can see all the little critters that live in there and evantally make it in to the main tank where the the corals and fish feed on them mine free flows in to the tank at about 5-10g an hour there are a few places that sell hang on models so that is a option to