Refugium Questions


New Member
Hi everyone, I am new to the board and this is my first post. I have a 45 gallon tank that has been up and running for a couple months now. As of now I only have a false perc and purple pseudo. I want to add a refugium before I finish stocking the tank. I would imagine that an undertank refugium would be my best bet but because of price was also thinking about a hob refugium. Should I just bite the bullet and go for the more expensive undertank setup? Also what would be a good return pump to use for the undertank option.

bang guy

WELCOME!!!:cheer: :happy:
The HOB refugiums are pretty good and definately better than nothing but a 10 gallon or larger refuge is a lot better. I understand the cost situation though. And without a built in overflow there's the chance of a mess.
I see advantages to both so I can't make up your mind for you. For my purposes I'll always choose the larger container.