Refugium Stocklist


my 120 has a 25 gallon refugium underneath, with 22 lbs of mineral mud and a few pieces of live rock. I was wondering what you suggest to stock in there. I have purchased a ball of chaeto already. I was thinking about getting a mangrove plant, but dont know how many to get. Then I have the issue of snails, crabs, stars... quantity and type. Thanks


Active Member
scott--last time i got that chaeto there were bristle worms and stomatella (whatever..) snails in it. you probably want to put some asterina stars in, but mainly it's going to be a haven for copepods and amphipods. also you can put in some nass. snails. other than that i have a monster mythrax crab and a gorilla crab in my fuge.


What do you think about mangrove plants? I have been treating my water and aging it for a week, plus we have a water treatment system. Everythings been doing well with it so far. I read these plants rid of any extra metals that may be still in the water.


Active Member
personally don't see the point of them. plus the leaves fall in after a while and can rot if you don't find them. chaeto works for me :)


Active Member
Scott , I tried mangroves a few years ago and became more of a pain than worth having . Cheato works great !


New Member
Scott, I have 2 mangroves in my refuge, only been there about 2 weeks, and now I have to spray the leaves everyday,(another daily job). but they look cool, and so far have not changed anything within my water column.( 2 weeks in the water is not very long). If you like them put some in, they won't hurt anything if you take care of them, spray them daily with RO/DI


Active Member
There shouldn`t be any metals in the water at all unless you are using tap water , which mangroves are not going to remove that much .