refugium substrate


I was wondering what kind of substrate I should use for my refugium? Mud? Biosediment? Aragonite? What would be the most beneficial?
Here are the details on my tank
oI restarted my 125g reef this spring, ordering my chiller next week, no summer melt down this year! Anyways, I always planned on adding a refugium after my tank had cycled and school was out and I had time, finals being next week, time to start thinking about the refugium.
I am going to use a 5 gallon bowfront acrylic thing I have sitting in the garage, put a pump in the sump and a bulkhead on the side of the refugium and have the water flow into the refugium, then drain out to the sump. One of the local LFS's was kind enough to donate some macro algae, it looks like a bundle of grass. Right now its hooked to a rock in the corner of my main tank for safe keeping.
Just thought I'd give you all the details in case I had any obvious flaws you coud point out.


Active Member
I have been using a DSB with a CC bottom .. Under the CC I have a piece of PVC pipe that is perforated. I suction waste off every week before water changes. My water quality has been outstanding since I started this.
If you want specifications on this i can post them here.


CC? I thought crushed coral was suposed to be bad? So do you have a layer of CC on the bottom over the pvc pipe, then aragonite over that? or is it all CC?
And if your suctioning out the waste wouldn't that also suction out the benneficial critters in the sand and disturb the refugium? I think I'm getting confused, got a picture?


Active Member
Its deep enough im not sucking out my pod growth or essential bacteria. Plus I have LR in the display tank as binding surfaces.
The CC is serving as a nett to allow equal suctioning.


ooookkkk, now i get it, the water is coming up through the sand. So how would I preforate the pvc, just get the drill out and go nuts?
I'm assuming the CC is used because of the larger grain size so it doesn't block up the holes, but I always thought that over time, smaller sized grains move to the bottom while the larger size grains move to the top? Does the water movement keep this from happening? Isn't this basically a reverse under-gravel filter?
I like the idea, but I'm very hesitant.


Active Member

Originally posted by causeidm
ooookkkk, now i get it, the water is coming up through the sand. So how would I preforate the pvc, just get the drill out and go nuts?
I'm assuming the CC is used because of the larger grain size so it doesn't block up the holes, but I always thought that over time, smaller sized grains move to the bottom while the larger size grains move to the top? Does the water movement keep this from happening? Isn't this basically a reverse under-gravel filter?
I like the idea, but I'm very hesitant.

I replace my sand out of a bag of live sand about once a month. Usually adding 1/8" at most... I lose very little sand through the CC.
The holes yes.. I just drilled them in randomly along the length of the pipe.
Reverse UGF... Yup its a very effective UGF i might add. You would not believe the amount of toxic sludge that collects at the bottom of your sandbeds!!


Active Member

Originally posted by causeidm
Oh so do you just use the under pipe to suck out the bottom stuff when you do a water change?

You got it! When I do my bi-weekly 3% (~5g) water change i just use the the pump connected to the fuge pipe.


ok, i think i'll give it a try, if i have problems, it's only a 5 gallon, not to much to re-do
So the water will come in from the sump and out throught the bulkhead on the side.
The pvc on the bottom is a completely seperate thing I just turn on when i do a water change to siphon out the sludge.
The only thing i worry about is the effect of the CC, I have heard over and over never to use it. But your refugium looks beautiful, so it can't be all bad.
Also, how powerful of a pump do i need to hook up to it? its only a 5 gallon tank.
What kind of CC?


Active Member

Originally posted by causeidm
ok, i think i'll give it a try, if i have problems, it's only a 5 gallon, not to much to re-do
So the water will come in from the sump and out throught the bulkhead on the side.
The pvc on the bottom is a completely seperate thing I just turn on when i do a water change to siphon out the sludge.
The only thing i worry about is the effect of the CC, I have heard over and over never to use it. But your refugium looks beautiful, so it can't be all bad.
Also, how powerful of a pump do i need to hook up to it? its only a 5 gallon tank.
What kind of CC?

I use fine CC. from the lfs. Nothing special.
For a pump I use a 802 PH.. Works just fine.. You just want the water to move so you dont need much. I always stop the pump after the water turns semi clear and most of the sludge is removed.
Yes the perforated PVC is totally seperate system than the bulkhead overflow that drains the refugium into the sump.
CC is only bad if you use it for substrate and dont vaccum from time to time. Over periods of time CC (or any substrate for that matter!) will trap detris and other waste material causing your N03 and PO4 level to raise out of control causing algae outbreak, poor water quality, and even coral , fish / invert death.


You would not believe the amount of toxic sludge that collects at the bottom of your sandbeds!!
Does that apply to the main tank as well? If so, what is the way to get this out? I would guess using sandsifters -snails, brittlestars, hermits.
comments? :thinking:


Active Member

Originally posted by sw_addict
Does that apply to the main tank as well? If so, what is the way to get this out? I would guess using sandsifters -snails, brittlestars, hermits.
comments? :thinking:

I only use a thin layer of substrate (just to cover the bottom) in my display tank.
If you have a DSB in your display then Yes.. This will buildup the same as it does in my refugium over time... I call it a very slow ticking time bomb.


I have a nice fuge filled with loads of flora and fuana. I would use a 2 - 3 in combo of ecosystem's miracle mud and live sand. Good Luck!


so what is a good layer of substrate in the main tank? 2"-3"? currently i have an average (little mountains/valleys here and there due to powerheads) of 2-2.5".


i wrote "main tank"..not fuge...the question was for RazorEQX as a follow up to the question he answered for me


Active Member

Originally posted by sw_addict
so what is a good layer of substrate in the main tank? 2"-3"? currently i have an average (little mountains/valleys here and there due to powerheads) of 2-2.5".

Thats a topic under alot of question right now. To substrate the main tank or not to substrate. Personally I dont use a substrate... but only coat the bottom of the tank with CC or sand..
But I run a modified DSB in my refugium that im really starting to like.. as i explained above