Refugium/Sump and ......


New Member
ok, so as of right now I'm still pretty new to this site
and I'm trying to read as many threads as possible but now that I have decided to get my 55 gal tank going once I move and I want to do things RIGHT! (by the way Im in NO rush whatsoever) here are the questions that I have,
1. What should my refugium/sump look like, I've tried to understand the Archives threads explination but Im just not understanding it, AT ALL?
2. So with buying live sand it will have water in the bag right? Is there something else I could get that won't kill me money wise?
3. What are some good skimmers?
4. Is this all the equiptment I need? -skimmer, grounding probe, filter, heater, powerhead,.....ok ran out of other equiptment?
5. So the tests I should be running should be PH, Salinity/S.G., Nitrite, Nitrate, Ammonia, Calcium, Alkalinity, Phosphates, Magnesium.....any more or is that not right? what should the tests read? And what are good test kits? Ive heard Salifert but are they strips or drops? I have drops right now for my 5 gal? and Im not doing cal, alk, phos., and mg (I had no idea!)
Id like to have corals and anemones (when I feel comfortatable), and


New Member
hey man, i am not too experienced myself so i dont feel comfortable giving you tips and answers to your questions but if you look around this forum and other sites you will find more than enough info. Just do your research.


Active Member
1. See Pic below
2. LS should be moist to keep bacteria alive...cheaper alternative is base aragonit sand and seed with quality Live Rock..
3. Euro reef...
4. My thoughts of filtration...
Large (adaquate) quantity of Live Rock and SSB for Biological filtration (suface area for Bacteria)...High Flow , distributed through out the tank to keep deitrus suspended and removed from MT,promote gaseous exchange and maintain oxygen levels...a Large sump and LARGER Fuge with Macros for malnutrient removal through export (denitrification) and a Killer Skimmer to remove Mass quantities of DOCs (organics) prior to decomposition...
With a well balanced system, no other "filtration devices" (bioballs/biomedia) are necessary...Other than the ability to run Chemical Media (carbon or phosphate removers) from time to time, best done in a Fluidized bed (or converted canister) type system...
5. "PH, Salinity/S.G., Nitrite, Nitrate, Ammonia, Calcium, Alkalinity, "...Start with these salifert is good, a bit more complex than strips (no good) or "basic" drop sets (not great)...
That will get you started in the right directon and give you some options to search out and understand..