

Hi all,
I have been a bad, bad, bad tank keeper and have really been neglecting my tank since I have been extremely busy with life in general. This hobby can burn you out, and it is easy to get distracted from your tank duties.
I have a 30g Tall with a broken, leaking Fluval canister filter, Coralife Compact Lighting, a Seaclone 100 Protein Skimmer, and 2 powerheads.
Basically, I have red and green algae all over the place that comes right back after about a week of cleaning, etc. Amazingly enough, my two fish (Clownfish and Firefish) have been doing fine up to now, and I think I owe it to them to get back into this full steam, so, here are my questions:
1. I want to replace my Seaclone skimmer. I hate the design, and noise. I was looking at a Prizm, but I need more research to come on that. I don't want to sink a ton of money into it since the tank is only 30 gallons, so advice is welcome.
2. Would a fuge help me? I HATE the Fluval canister, and want to avoid one altogether. I see the terms sump and refugium together around here, but are they one in the same in some cases? In other words, can I just hand a refugium on the back of my 30 gal and a skimmer and be done? I don't have room under my stand for another tank or anything.
3. More water flow. I have read that algae blooms can come from poor flow, so would a larger power heads help? Water quality is key too, and I will get back on that, though the tank is crystal clear when you can see in there :)
The constant attention I have had to put into that Fluval is probably 90% of my burnout, but the future is bright. I have tried searching for my answers on the fuge, but I am really lost on if there are all-in-one units, etc.


1. For just a little more than the Prizm you can get into a CSS65. Bang for the buck is pretty hard to beat.
2. Yes. But a fuge alone will probably not be enough. What kind of tank are you trying to keep? Reef? FOWLR? This will make a big difference is what you need.
3. This will be very important and can help with algea, but ultimately depends on what you goal for the tank is.


It is FOWLR right now, and I could stand to get some more in there. My plans are to add an anenome later, and maybe a shrimp or two, but at 30 gallon, I don't want to crowd with anymore fish.

sign guy

Active Member
A fuge is an extra tank for macro algea (chatomorphia curlupa grasalaria) to help pull out trates trites. It also is a home free of predtors for things like copods.
A sump is an extra tank for your equip and bio media.
so adding a fuge (as jesse said ) will help but not replace a filter.
sorry Im no skimmer buff
I would sugest a small fuge if you can + a new slimmer


Hmm..I really want to get that filter out of there.
I wonder if more LR, a new skimmer, bigger powerheads and the fuge will be good enough? I am not running the filter now, and haven't been for awhile because of the leaks.
Thanks for the advice so far all!


Before you get rid of the canister filter!!!
I have a 304 fluval. Every time I cleaned mine, replaced carbon etc. it would leak out the ends (I believe they are holes to prevent overflow)
Basically the lid wasn't sealing very well. A friend suggested putting vaseline around the rim. I did and it worked great the lid slid down perfectly and the filter has been dry as a bone ever since.


I may try that...
However, from a maintenance perspective, wouldn't the fuge/skimmer end up being less of a hassle?


I also plan on going to a sump/refugium setup some time soon. I am looking about a 125g and a sump. But it also takes some money.
As far as the protein skimmer I have heard that the Coral SuperSkimmer is good. I'm looking at getting the 125. I don't know much about the Prizm though.
Good Luck

sign guy

Active Member
Originally Posted by DCR
I may try that...
However, from a maintenance perspective, wouldn't the fuge/skimmer end up being less of a hassle?
yas less of a hassle not to be mistaken with no maiteness. you will still have to have a way to put carbon in. maybe a media bag in the sump will work

sign guy

Active Member
Originally Posted by My Way
Put the corbon in a "sock" and then place it in one of the bubble traps.
unless you have socks like mine in witch you fish are as good as dead


Active Member
I had a fluval 404 and did not like it all It leaked too, no matter what I did so I bought a replacement case and that did it.IMO I would stay away from prizm been there tried that Its nice if you can get it dialed in but way too touchy CPR is a nice piece of equipment from what I hear on the boards. Seaclone isnt bad Better then prizm. Theres nothing wrong with a canister filter I ran 2 rena xp3's (which are great IMO) on my 125 for a while with no problem till i upgraded to 210 and sump.


The whole canister filter thing has made me gun shy. I am very, very lucky that I caught the last leak I had, because I was leaving for vacation.
I simply don't trust them anymore, so I have to explore other options. I just hope I can fit a skimmer and hang-on fuge on the back of my 30 tall.


Hate to double post....but...
I measured the tank opening and only have about 15.5"-16" back there, so, even with my current skimmer, the hang on fuge could only be about 12" wide.
I doubt I have many options there.

sign guy

Active Member
Originally Posted by DCR
Hate to double post....but...
I measured the tank opening and only have about 15.5"-16" back there, so, even with my current skimmer, the hang on fuge could only be about 12" wide.
I doubt I have many options there.
how big is your over all space to work with?


My space isn't so good. I have a 30 tall on a stand with minimal room underneath the stand. The tank is in my living room, so I don't have anywhere to hide things other than behind the tank and in the stand.


Seeing as the tank is against one wall with nothing on either side, I don't want to go very far from the wall, so 5" of depth. The tank is 24" wide, and with the stand I have over 50" of height.
The tank top opening in the back (acrylic) is 15.5" x 1.5", where my skimmer is taking about 5.5" of that.