Refugium/sump/plumbing help please!


Hi, I am building my 1st tank that incorporates a sump/overflow/refugium and know basically nothing about plumbing. I got a good deal on a 75g all glass megaflow overflow aquarium and a custom refugium/sump. All brand new and never been used. Ill attatch a picture of the fuge/sump so that you can see just what it is.
So the drain from the overflow must come in the top middle through the drip tray and then should I put anything between the drip tray and the sponge? Bio-balls or LR rubble? That has a baffle and goes into the return area. The fuge will have to be fed from the return I guess? The fuge is on the right and has a spray bar to use. If I put a T on the line with a control gate valve or something to control flow to the fuge? The overflow is rated for 600 GPH. How big of a pump should I put on if I also want to feed the fuge with the same pump? How much flow should I put through the fuge? Also Where should I put a skimmer? The return area has two holes drilled on the side and two on the lid which I can plug the ones on the side if I want. Do I need an external skimmer or can I put one into my return area? Any recommendations or thoughts would be extremely helpfull! Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
The black things on the left are bulkheads which means you should have a drilled tank to use them. If you tank is not drilled you could use a pvc overflow as in this thread:
also for quiet running google "durso standpipe".
Pvc is fairly easy to work with. You use common saws, make straight cuts, debur the end, coat with a solvent, apply lotsa pvc glue, then push together with a 1/4 turn twist.
One thing to remember is to make it so you can take it apart later. So it would be advisable to have valves to isolate your pump and couplings so you can remove the pump for cleaning/maintenance/replacement. And also for the drain plumbing in case a snail or something else plugs the drain.
The pumped return lines should have a hole (or the ends be above the water line) to break up the siphon that will form and drain the display to the sump under power outage.
On sump basics remember that as water is removed from the sump or display the water level goes down there but up in the other. So when setting up, test for power out to insure the water drained from the display does not flood the sump. Then insure the when the power returns normal operation results.
One thing I forgot was when the drain/overflow fails due to blockage of breaking siphon or whatever. The display level rises and the sump level falls. the idea is the sump should run out of water before the display floods. then mark the sump level under normal operation with no display flood. And make sure you never fill the water level above that sump mark.
the refugium should run at the same level at all times. I would fill it with chaetomorphia and just let the chaeto tumble around. Af course add a light to keep the chaeto growing. And harvest the chaeto when the refugium becomes full.
Looks like you have a nice sump there and I hope you find that after a little work this will all seem easy.
my .02


Ok thanks for the reply. Yes my tank is pre-drilled with a 600gph overflow. I have the kit for the standpipe and return which is matched to the overflow. My question I guess is the flow through my specific sump. Should I use and external skimmer or can I just drop one in my return area. Same with my return pump? I can put the bulkheads on the holes and plug them If i dont want to use them as I also have holes in the lids on top of the sump.


Also for the pvc can I use the regular purple primer and regular pvc cement or do I need something special?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by jsteph24
Ok thanks for the reply. Yes my tank is pre-drilled with a 600gph overflow. I have the kit for the standpipe and return which is matched to the overflow. My question I guess is the flow through my specific sump. Should I use and external skimmer or can I just drop one in my return area. Same with my return pump? I can put the bulkheads on the holes and plug them If i dont want to use them as I also have holes in the lids on top of the sump.
One thing to do is use valves on the drain so you get less flow though the refugium area. If you have a single overflow just use a "tee" to split the flow with the valves down stream of the "tees". Then you can adjust the flow to each with one of the valves open all the way.
You could do either for the skimmer but I would make the skimmer after the refugium so the macro algae gets first crack at the nutrients. Actually I don't use or recommend a skimmer and just use the algae to balance out and stabilize the system. So perhaps other can help.
One thing to remember is that some pumps like my mag pumps have a fitting for 1/2" pvc. But using the largest possible diameter pvc results in more flow. So I immediately have 1" pvc after the pump output.
You can just put the return pump in the sump area. I would use a prefilter to keep the sand and stuff away from the pump. Also if you are using rigid pvc be sure to use a short section (2" or so) of flexiable tubing to isolate the pump from the pvc. Not only does that make it easier to install the pump but you can crack the pump's fittings by the forces between the pump and pvc.
You could use flexiable tubing which would be easier to setup. But clear tubing will get algae from the light and can restrict flow as it is bent. Just like when you squeeze a garden hose to stop the flow.
And be prepaired to redo your first design. I always think of something better after the first try. Fortunately pvc is inexpensive and easy to work with.
I also to a dry setup to insure I got the pvc right. Sometimes put things in backwards.

my .02

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Can you post a pic of the inside of your tank, also the brand and model of your sump/refuge? I am guessing here but I believe the two bulkheads you picture are for the two holes to the left of them. My guess if for an external return pump and external skimmer. It looks like you have two feeds, the pvc to the right and the black fitting at the top that box with the holes its for mechanical filter media. (Blue white pad) under it bio balls if you like. Again if you post the brand and model I can give it a look see if you like


Well-Known Member
Just noticed the hole on the left. That is for a bulkhead and running your pump "inline" with the return lines. Which is what I would recommend. So be sure to have valves and couplings on both sides of the pump and isolate both sides with flexiable tubing.
my .02

florida joe

Well-Known Member
I personally would stay away from flexible tubing. Go with True Union Ball Valves they combine the valve and union in one fitting. Also remember the right ordination of your bulkheads


Ok here are some pictures. So the drain from the tank should go to the middle of the sump which is a drip tray where I can put some floss stuff or whatever. Under that is an open area and a sponge. I could put bio balls or LR rubble there. I the baffle allows water to go underneath and into the return area. The fuge area can be fed one of two ways I can think, either T my drain and feed it from the drain, or I can T my return and feed it from the return pump. The fuge has a spray bar connected to a bulkhead to create the flow in the fuge and it overflows into a baffle between the fuge wall and the middle compartment and also then flows into the return area. The sump is a custom acrylic made for the guy I bought this from(no brand name).



Also can I use purple primer and regular pvc cement for a hard pipe or do I need something special? What diameter should I use? I have not picked out a pump yet, what should I get? I have been looking at a mag 9.5 maybe? I am open to all suggestions.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
you are gong to have to be patient weekends are slow, even so there are a lot of people on the boards looking for info. I do have some questions and observations i will post when i can

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Ok looking at the overflows in your tank you have two holes at the bottom one if for the feed to your sump the other is for the return line it will come up into the overflow and out the side hole. You are going to need bulkheads on the two holes at the bottom. For the return I would PVC it until you come out the side and then go with linelocks. I would work that part of your project first get your piping in place from your tank to the area just under it and then work from the sumprefug (you will get much help on that here) back up to your tank


I have the standpipe and return line assembly ready to go (megaflow overflow kit). The work I need help with is plumbing the drain from the bottom of the tank to the sump and then the return from the sump to the bottom of the tank again. Also I need to probably plumb the fuge into it somehow( I am leaning towards putting a "T" or "Y" in my return line and running some of my return to my fuge). The fuge should then overflow back into the return area. Also need help with where to put a skimmer.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
post some pics of where you are not with your plumping in place as far as your skimmer do you want to put in in your sump or have it outside. you cant have your return feed your sump/refug your overflow will feed it