refugium surface scum


My refugium is 6 weeks old now, and in the last week its developed a scum on top- whitish with green slimy blobs. I suspect this is OK, but... anyone else have this?
Refugium (a 20 gal aquarium) contains:
* A Caulerpa "Sampler"
Umbrella, Razor Ribbon, Grape, Notched
* "Tang Heaven"
Red & Gold live natural seaweed
* Mysis & Gammarus Shrimps
* Miniature Brittle Stars
* Peppermint Snails
* Micro Stars
* Stomatella Varia (snails)
* Other Reef Amphipods, Copepods, etc.
It has a substrate of CC and LS plus ~25lbs Fiji LR. I also gave it a jump start with a little WonderMud and Live Sand Activator. Water flows through at 40 gph.


Can't answer the question about the slime, Mine is only one week old.
Where did you get your "Sampler"?


I ordered a detrivore kit from Inland Aquatics and another from Indo-Pacific Sea Farms to seed the refugium with 'pods, bacteria, and some macro algae to reduce nitrates. The Caulerpa "Sampler" came from Inalnd Aquatics, and the "Tang Heaven" from IPSF.

nm reef

Active Member
yes....I get a regular build up of scummy stuff on top of the refugium.....I look at it as an opportunity to export excess nutrients.....I get a small fishnet and scoop it out and toss it.......I've also got a millinium 3000 mechanical filter on my refugium that gradually acumulates mats of green algae covering the overflows....this stuff I also manually remove.....sort of like having a small version of a algae part is there is no sign of any of these types of algae in the display...just in the I figure that if it builds up in there and I remove it I'm a few steps up on keeping the display clear of problem algaes...which was one major reason for adding the refugium to begin with....make sense????


Did you get star fish in your detritivore kit from inlandaquatics?
I did and they look like the ones on the GARF site that eat soft corals.


Captain Ed,
Try a little more surface agitation, or a protein skimmer. Did you get the Mysis & Gammarus Shrimps from IPSF? if not, where did you get them?


I got the Caulerpa "Sampler" from Inland Aquatics, and their "Fauna Kit" with:
Mysis & Gammarus Shrimp
Miniature Brittle Stars
Stomatella Varia
Micro Stars
Other Amphipods, Copepods, Etc
From ISPF I got a Mix "n Match Special with:
Tang Heaven Algae
Reef Amphipods
Live Sand Activator and WonderMud
Various snails/sand bed clams for the main tank
Since only the very small 'pods get sucked up the return (there's a foam filter) to the main tank, I don't worry about the other larger critters getting into the show tank- a starfish, even miniature, isn't making it up the return.
I think of this as my $200 worth of little white dots wrapped in seaweed.
NMReef- thanks for the info, once I get a little more goo I'll start to skim it out. Any reason to put a filter in the refugium, or just let this stuff grow?

nm reef

Active Member
I see no reason to "filter" the refugium.....I have a millinium 3000 mechanical filter on mine....primarily for added circulation in a low flow(70-80 gph) from time to time its where I add either/or carbon/phosphate like I stated it seems to work as a simple algae scrubber my growing a mass of green algae over the returns.............but it actually doesn't filter the refugium