Refugium Tank


I currentlly have a guy custom building me a refugium tank with a d nitrator and a calcium reactor My question is one i apply it to my tank how often will i have to do water changes I have a 90 gallon Tank with just a yellow stingray in it (I know thats not Big Enough) but after i get the refugium i plan on having
- Stingray
- 2 clowns
- Purple Tang
-and something else idk yet
any comments or suggestions would be very much appreciated thanks


Active Member
Keep an eye on your water parameters, that will dictate your water changes... or you may just do them weekly/bi-weekly as routine maint.

salt life

Active Member
If i may ask what type of denitrator did you get? I've been looking to get one for my 75g Moray tank but i can't find any or know where to look. Thanks if you don't mind.

ret talbot

Sounds cool.
I do 2 small (in the 5% zone) water changes a week with all my systems--refugium or not. Will this be a display refugium, or will it be "off-exhibit"? How big is the refugium? How will it be plumbed with the rest of the system?


the refugium is 24in long 14in tall and 12 wide im not exactly sure about the denitrator ill get back to you on that but it going to work as an overflow system in the 1st section is gonna be protien skimmer w dnitrator the 2nd section is gonna be live sand rock and the 3rd a calcium reactor and it is custom made to fit under my stand srry took so long to reply thanks


Originally Posted by BrandonCena
the refugium is 24in long 14in tall and 12 wide im not exactly sure about the denitrator ill get back to you on that but it going to work as an overflow system in the 1st section is gonna be protien skimmer w dnitrator the 2nd section is gonna be live sand rock and the 3rd a calcium reactor and it is custom made to fit under my stand srry took so long to reply thanks
the d-nitrator is custom built and uses sulfur and argronite dnt know how to spell that is treated w bacteria to eliminate nitrate