Refugium Watching



He looked like he was looking for his Christmas present. I love it. My cat is scared of the 265, but likes to sit and watch the 90.

small triggers

Active Member
im trying to figure out how he got in there? its like only space that hes in is all thats there, lol. On a lighter note, my dogs SIT in the chairs in my family room across from my tank and watch tv. I havent really figured out if THEY have figured it out yet,, and i really dont know what they will do when i only have the 12g up, it will be beside one of thos chairs (hopefully they do not think they are cats and try to grab a fish?)


Originally Posted by small triggers
im trying to figure out how he got in there? its like only space that hes in is all thats there, lol. On a lighter note, my dogs SIT in the chairs in my family room across from my tank and watch tv. I havent really figured out if THEY have figured it out yet,, and i really dont know what they will do when i only have the 12g up, it will be beside one of thos chairs (hopefully they do not think they are cats and try to grab a fish?)
Behind the does not sit flush against the wall....there's about a 6" clearance


Originally Posted by small triggers
i was wondering if she had JEDI powers and floated her happy self over there,lol a very SURE footed cat....this cat could walk thru a very cluttered area and NOT knock anything over.....NOW my other cat...GEESH....she's a mess and a clutz


Well-Known Member
When I first saw this thread I thought it was going to be a "confessions of a refugium watcher" post. I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one who does this. My fuge is fully enclosed in the cabinet, so there's no way of our cats getting to it. The DO love to sit on the back of the couch and stare at the DT however.
I admit I'm guilty of sitting back behind the tank, supposedly doing maintenance, actually putzing around the fuge section to see what new stuff turns up. Sometimes I wind up scaring the mum-in-law when she comes out late at night and finds me sitting back there.....


Active Member
I admit, I'll even watch the tiny fuge in my nano at night after the DT lights are off and the fuge lights come on. Its amazing how many types of copepods there are in such a lil fuge and how small of copepods you can see if you really look for em.
My favorite are the tiny ones that look like miniature shrimps with oversized antenna


Originally Posted by SocalNano24
I admit, I'll even watch the tiny fuge in my nano at night after the DT lights are off and the fuge lights come on. Its amazing how many types of copepods there are in such a lil fuge and how small of copepods you can see if you really look for em.
My favorite are the tiny ones that look like miniature shrimps with oversized antenna
You mean Amphipods