refugium with damsels


New Member
I have a 10gal that I'm using as a refugium. There's some caulerpa, rocks, and sand in the tank. I wanted to move a couple of damsels to the refugium because they've been harrassing my clown. That way, they would have they're own tank.
The only problem is that the refugium light is set to turn on at 10pm and turn off at 10am. Will this be a problem for the damsels? I figure that they'll probably adjust to the lighting over time. I could slowly acclimate the damsels to their new environment, by slowly shifting the lighting schedule to 10pm.
What you you think?


Active Member
Most people run the lighting on refugiums 24/7. If you have calupra in there it will keep the calupra from going sexual.


the damsels should be fine,
but they'll do a number on any
sand critters in your 'fuge.


Active Member
Why don't you just setup another tank for the damsels if you want to keep them? The whole idea behind a refugium is to have a place that is undisturbed by fish so that calupra, pods, and such can grow and thrive.


New Member
Thanks for all the replies.
I had one question regarding the statement about reducing the amount of pods and critters. How does adding a damsel decrease the amount of pods or critters? It doesn't eat them.
They would probably increase the nitrite level in the refugium, but the sand and rocks might compensate and then the caulerpa would probably grow even more. Wouldn't it?


i switched 2 damsels over to my 20 and they repeatedly uproot the caleurpa, everytime i turn around they are tugging on it... you may run into the same problem...
what do you mean a damsel won't eat pods? ever feed your tank brine shrimp?
i think you mean nitrate level


New Member
I didn't know that they would uproot the caulerpa. I guess I'll have to find someplace else to put them. Maybe they'll go back to the LFS or to a friend's tank.


Active Member
I think it would help if you would tell us what you expect out of the refugium. If its to grow calupra, and pods than I would recommend against adding damsels to the refugium.


New Member
My main goal with the refugium is to reduce nitrates. It's still a pretty new system (only 6 months old), so I'm just waiting for things to settle in.


New Member
jamesurq - Yeah... catching them is really an accomplishment. Those dam(sels) are really smart. I've never done it without taking out the rocks, so I'll probably work on removing them this weekend.


Active Member
IMO if you are intending to use the refugium for nitrate reduction then I would not put the damsels in there. Just setup another tank for them, or take them back to the LFS.
I have had the same problems with Damsels for years. Those things are so danged tough you could fill your tank up with urine and they live for a good while


Originally posted by Republicanreef
I love Damsels I am going to make a tank one day with nothing but damsels in it.
that should be better than the saturday
night fights:)


5 bucks on the beau gregory to win
in the second round:D ,oh ,shhhhh!
it's the damsel police.busted!!


Active Member
Domino hands down would whoop a$$, but I've seen tanks loaded with em, and they are to busy chasing to fight.