

i have a 90 gallon fowlr with a cyclone cy-294 filter. my lfs had me remove the bio bale when my nitrates were a little high, all is fine with the water now, but i am looking to add have a harvestable food source for my tangs and angel. i have only one of the two protien skimmers running and want to add a fuge. i am wondering if i can somehow convert the filter for this or if i should keep it the way it is and add an additional area for this.


here is my filter and the total dimensions are 26" l x 12.5" w x 18" h
the media chamber is a 1 cubic foot area that has the bio bale removed. and i am only operating 1 skimmer.


i dont have any baffles in it. the water comes in on the right side goes thruogh the skimmer and the flows over the water level adjuster into the 1 cubic foot bio chamber that is currently empty with the exception of a filter bag that is catching the water from the skimmer unit and the overflow.