
I have a 90 gal. with 80 lbs LS and 70 lbs LR.... And i also have a 20 gal right next to it with a couple pieces of Lr and 50 lbs LS.. i want to make that into a Refugium?? and i really am new at refugiums.. i dont know anything really?? i need lots of advice?? can someone PLEASE HELP ME>?????

fish fry

Hey Reefman,
Hooking up a sump is fairly easy. You will need sometype of overflow unit (unless your tank is drilled).
Water will then flow from the main tank, through the overflow into the sump.
From the sump it gets pumped back into the main tank. The overflow handles as much water as the pump returns to the tank.
The sump is a great place for LR/LS, heaters/chillers, skimmers etc. It is also a great place to keep a float valve if you use one.
Some people keep macro algae in there as well to help remove excess nutrients from the water.
As far as how to design the sump I'm sure someone else can post pictures of their sumps togive you ideas. Usually they have a couple different areas, one for equipment, one for LR/LS.
Ideally, you will want a high flow rate through your overflow and filters, and a slower flow rate through a bed of algae/rock/sand.
Also - search through some of the old posts. Someone had a great diagram of their sump.
Hope this helps
Fish Fry
Oh yeah...if you find a quiet overflow let me know.
Thanks, but what i did not post before :( is i have a drilled 90 with an over flow going into a wet dry. So my question is, should i hook my 20 gall that is next to my display tank and make it the refugium? because i dont think i can fit anything else in the wet dry