

Hay you all
I was jus wondering what is the purpose for a refugium and also would i need one on my 55 gallon tank ???
Thanks Spider9376


Active Member
a refugium, or "fuge", is basically just another form of filtration. the plants in the fuge basically help to export nitrates, and help to regulate ph. also they provide a home for little benificial critters to grow, and also the plants and critters provide food for some saltwater fish. in a fuge, you can also put more live rock and even a deep sand bed, both of which provide more filtraton.
as far as having one on your 55gal, more is always better so definately start one up.


How about a turf scrubber, I used the info on this site. It is very simple to make. Its hangs in my sump and is covered in green hair algae. I started it 3weeks ago as an add to the filtration on my 125 reef.


no need for a refugium or turf scubber, just build a RDSB out of a 5g bucket, R C forums have a very good thread on it, cheap and simple and fast to make. also its only used for lowering nitrates, but works very well, and fast.


Sorry johnnyd, I don't know what a RDSB is and how to make it, All my water test are good. I have a tank that has everything built inside the tank. It is about 8 years old but works well. All the filtration is inclosed in a blue box that sets in the back left corner. I will try to send pic's of it to you. Standby.
Hope this helps so you all can see.