

i was thinking about buying a refugium for my 55 gallon. does anyone know of any good brands and were to buy from.


Active Member
Marc's not a competitor, he's a custom aquarium parts builder. Should be fine.
I guess the question is, do you have a sump? If not, then a HOB refugium is a good idea. You can find one by googling "refugium" or "aquafuge". The CPR aquafuge's are way over-priced though. I bought a few on the big auction site that I built myself. They send you the instructions and the pieces, not hard at all. I think the biggest one was between $40-$50 with shipping. You just add a maxi-jet.


texas can you send me that to. im looking at build one of my won and i would like to get as much info as possible.


If you already have a sump check to see if you have room on either side of it for a 10 gallon tank (20 inches long). If you do then build a 8" tall stand for it to sit on. Have it drilled for a bulk head at the local glass shopTell them top of hole 1/2" down from band). Install a bulkhead fitting with a hose bard on the outside and a 90' joint inside with a plastic screen (prevent clogging). In the sump you place like a maxijet 600 and run vinyl hose from it to refugium, from bulk head hose bard vinyl hose back into sump.
It's a simple design that will fill and drain, with some sand, rubble, and chaeto it will grow and support pods!